Page 363 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 363

Bahrain—UK relations                    351

                                                    BRITISH RESIDENCE,
          /   SECRET.                                    BAHRAIN.
      Ho. 09 (10M2/9)
                                                     10th July, 1951.

                                               [E ft »0a'7/l(>


                I have the honour to forward herewith a copy of the letter
           will eh I delivered personally to the Ruler of Bahrain on the 9 th
           July conveying on assurance of protection against aggression in

            accordance with the instructions contained in your telegram Ho.
           393 of the 5th July, and a translation of the Ruler's reply. On
            receipt of the letter the Ruler expressed ItLs heartfelt thanks

            to His Majesty's Government for the assurance together with an
            appreciation of the assistance always afforded liim in the past
            and many prayers that the happy relations which exist between

            Great Britain and Buhrain might continue for ever. He said he
            fully realised the undosirability of allowing the correspondence
            to become public and promised to treat it as secret.
            2.  I am sending copies of this despatch to Tehran and Washington.
                                            I have the honour to be,
                                           with the highest respect,
                                           Your most obedient*Servant,

                                           for     (W.R. Hay)
                                                   (On tour)

       His Majooty's
            Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs,
                        Foreign Office,
                              London, S.W.l.
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