Page 54 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 54
42 Records oj Bahrain
(iv) Musllm-Jewlsh relations.
Some feeling was aroused between Muslims and Jews over
the conversion of a young Jewess to Islem and her marrlago to
a Uuslln taxi driver. The Jews wont in a deputation to the
lluler who oailed up the Sunni Qadhla who hod not participated
In thoaffair hut who cave a ruling that tho profession of
faith by the Jewess and her marriage were valid. Jn the fnoe
of this the Shaikh found himself powerloao to Interfere, but
thereupon passed a regulation that no-one should become a Muslim
without the consent of the Ruler of the country.
(v) Registration of frlrthg and deaths.
The Bahrain Qovernaent had under consideration the
introduction of registration of births and deaths in Bahrain
and issued a circular, to the Presidents of Manamah and Muharraq
Municipalities asking them for their suggestions for carrying
this out in the best way in Manamah and Muharraq towns, There
is apparently little difficulty about the registration of dwothS)
us it la merely a question of paying the cemetery watchmen
a small fee for listing, all those burled there: but births
aro regarded as a much more private event in Muslim famlllM
and dotallB are hard to come by.
(vi) Unlotlona with Parslfi.
In iiepttubtir, there were signs that the Persia ns were
trying o-.t a now technique for attracting attention in tho
international sphere to tholr claim to Bahrain. They announced
that they would withdraw their delegation to tho v,or 1 a health
Conference in. Istanbul if iluhrain was represented (though there
seemed to haveVno Intention of anyone attending from Bahrein).
The Persian Delegetion at tho International Food Organisation
Conference in Karachi threatened to ..ulk out it' the buhrtln
delegate attended: noedleua to soy, tin ra wen no bahr. lir de
legate but a Bahrain flag printed anoug others on the cover
of the agenda yjus hastily erased. The Pursian Ambassador in
Cairo protested to Assam Pnuha against the u11.undoneo of the
Bahrain Director of iduootlon at a Conference In Alexandria,
and was snubbed for his pains.
ai. m'nm-
Uuxlmum temperature 10d°y on Mia Oth July and C6tl» August.
Minimum temperature 44°F on the POth and 30tl» January
Maximum humidity 100* on the 23rd January.
Minimum humidity 27// on the 18th February.
Rainfall 10.7 miDs.
11.11.M's Political Agant,