Page 85 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 85

Unrest among Baharinah of Manama               73

                                                    BRITISH RESIDENCY,
         CONFIDENTIAL                                   BAHRAIN.
                                                     Juno 2nd, 1951#
            No. 75

               I havo tho honour to roport that for the last two or three
         inontha trouble has boon simmering amongst the Baharinah of
  .*• •
  airojvfev  Manamah. The Baharinah/aro tho indigenous population of tho
          islands und are Arabic speaking Shiahs. They aro cultivators
          of tho date gardens and most of tho vlllagos aro occupied by
          them exclusively. In Manamah thoy form about 4($ of tho
          population, but there aro practically none in Muharraq.    In tho
          past thoro has at times boon a certain amount of trouble between
          tho Sunnis and tho Shiahs in tho islands, especially during tho
          Muharram celebrations, but nothing sorlou3 has occurred during
          recent yoars.
          2.   Last year for tho first time elections wore hold for tho
          Manamah Municipal Committee. Tho Baharinah only obtained five
          soats out of the twelvo which wore fillod by tho election
          ulthough their numbers entitled thorn to more. I am informed
          that tlrio was partly because their of forts at electioneering
          woro very poor compared with thoso of thojSunnis,    About throe
          months ago tho question was raisod in the*Committee whether
          compensation should bo paid for a 3hop which had been domolisliod
          for stroot widening purposes. The shop was Sunni Waqf proporty
          and it was at first unanimously decided that no compensation
          should bo paid. Tho quostion wasjagain brought up ontiroly
          irregularly by a Sunni member of Jtho Committee and it was again
          docidod that no compensation should be paid, the Sunni member
          who raisod tho matter being tho sole dissontant. Shortly after,
          the quostion was brought up for tho third time, when all tho
          Sunnis and foreigners on tho Committee voted in favour of the
          payment of Rs. 1400/- as compensation. On this tho five Balirani
          members walked out. personal efforts by tho Ruler and Mr Bolgrave
          have l’ailod to persuado thorn to talco any further part in tho
          Committee's work and they are demanding immediate fresh elections.
          Tho Buhruln Government refuse to agroo to these elections being
          hold until thoy become due next yoar, but have promised in tho
          meanwhile to revise tho boundarios of the constituoncios so that
           tho Baharinah will got thoir fair uhuro of representation,    This,
          howovor, has had no effect.
           5.   Tho Baharinah have soized the opportunity to air other
           grievances, tho moot important of which relates to the moat,
           vogotublo and fish murkets at Bahrain. Tho first two of those
           aro tho personal property of tho Rulor and tho third of his
           brothor Shaikh Da'ij.   Tho Rulor und Ills brothor havo incurred
           con3ldorablo expenditure on tho construction and maintenance
           of those markets, but tho ronts chargod are high whilo prices
           remain controllod and tho sale of tho commodities concerned is
           forbiddon outsido tho markets. Shaikh Da'ij, for instance is
           now rocovorlng Rs.20,000 a yoar on tho market U3 against Rs.12,00
           a few yoars ago. Tho persons who soil thoir goods in tho
           vogotablo and fish markets are almost exclusively , Baharinah.

                                                           / They
         His Majesty's principal Socrotary
                of State for poroign Affairs,
                     Foreign Offico,
                         London, 3.W.I.
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