Page 88 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 88

76                         Records oj Bahrain

                                                                    BRITISH RESIDENCY,
                       10110/12)                                        BAHRAIN,
                      CONFIDENTIAL                                   16th June, 1951.

                                 I much regret tnat there is a mistake in the second
                            sentence of the second paragraph of my despatch No,73
                            (10110/5) of the 2nd June about the trouble which ha3 been
                            oimraering amongst the Baharinuh of Manainah. The Manamah
                            Municipal Committee consists of 12 elected and 12 nominated
                            members. The Baharinah only obtained 2 of the elected
                            seats at the last election, but three in addition were
                            nominated as members by tho Ruler.
                            2.   I have received from Bolgrave a long note describing
                            the history and constitution of the Manamah Municipality,
                            the recent trouble with the Baharinah members and the
                            grievances of the Baharinah generally. Although it repeats
                            a good deal of what I said in my dcsputch it contains much
                            additional matter and I think it v/ould bo useful to have it
                            on record even though you may not find time to read it. I
                            am accordingly enclosing a copy.
                            3.   Belgrave, before he v/ont on leave, said that he did
                            not-expect the Baharinah to give any trouble during his
                            absence. Smith, who is acting for him, also thinks they
                            are unlikely to give any trouble unless the Sunnis on the
                            Manarnah Municipal Committee do something to provoke than.
                            4.   I am sending copies of this letter to the British
                            Middle East Office and Tehran.

                          G. W. Furlonge, Es<l», C.M.G •»  O.B.E.,
                                 Eastern Department,
                                      Foreign Office,
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