Page 86 - Records of Bahrain (6)_Neat
P. 86


                        74                         Records of Bahrain

                         They huvo a logltimato griovunce and If tho Bahrain Petroleum
                         Company'a propoaod offor of incrououd paymonts to tho Ruler
     :                   goos through, c.f. my tologram No.157 of tho 29th May, I hope
                         to talco tho opportunity of-*trying to porsuade him to hand over
                         tho markota to tho Municipality. Another cause of discontont
                         la that tho Ruler has rocontly boon roconatrue ting in an
                         improved form a largo number of small a ho pa which uro his
                         personal property in tho town. Thoao shops wore mostly
                         occupiod by poor Baharlnah who aro unablo to pay tho incroaaod
                         rents which tho Ruler is charging as a result of tho improvements*

                         4.   Up tp dato, there has boon no concrete expression of this
                         discontent though thoro have boon rumours of. impending strikes
                         and it is gonerully stated that tho Baharlnah are only waiting
                         for Mr Bolgruvo's departure on louvo on tho nth Juno noxt to
                         stage some kind of demonstration. The Bahrain Petroleum Company
                         fear a strilco of thoir employees and huvo suggested to mo certain
                         improvements in tho conditions of their unskilled labouft With
                         which I propose to doal in a separato despatch. Actually thoso
                         improvomonts liavo no- direct bearing on tho troublo with tho
                         Baharlnah in Manamah. About 5a/ of thoir unskilled labour aro
                         Baharlnah, mostly drawn from tho villages, and if thoao were to
                         go on strike in sympathy with thoir brethren in Manamah it can
                         be taken for granted that the Sunnis would not join thorn and
                         would do thoir best to assist the company in breaking tho strike.
                         The Bahrani villagers aro generally speaking quiet and woll -
                         behuvod and aro believed to bo content with tho conditions under
                         which they are at present serving tho oil company, and Mr Belgrave
                         considers it moat improbable that they could bo Induced to go on
                          strike in sympathy with the grievances of thoir brothron ih
                          Manamah. What Mr Belgrave fears hub t is a strike by the Baharlnah
                          in tho employ of tho Buhrain Govornmont as they hold many
                          important positions in the Govornmont officos. Ho considera this
                          and a strike by the shopkeepers and vendors :in tho town possible
                          but not probable, but doos not expect any demonstrations
                          involving violence to take place. Ho emphasises that tho uttitudo
                          of tho Ruler towurds the Baharlnah has boon most sympathetic and
                          that ho has always beon careful to look after thoir interests,
                          but says that tho stubbornnoss of tho Bahrani members of tho
                          Municipality has now somov/hat oxasporatod him.

                          5.   An nrab friend of mine has remarked to mo that trouble with
                          the Shiahs in Bahrain usually occurs when there is agitation in
                          Porsia. It is possible that tho Baharlnah havo beon encouraged by
                          events in Porsia to adopt thoir proaont attitude, but generally
                          speaking thoy aro loyul to tho Ruler and do not support tho Torsiah
                          claim to tho islands, and thoro is no reason to hollovo that tho
                          proaont agitation has boon directly incitod from Persia. One
                          young schoolmus ter, hov/ovor, who is tho son of one of tho dissidont
                          Municipality mombors, has openly advocatod an appoal to tho
                          Persians for ussistanco.
                          6.   So far as I can judge tho situation, I do not think any
                          serious developments are likely. I have consldorod it dosirablo,
                          however, to inform you of tho facts a3 tempers at timos become
                          short in this part of tho world in the hot woather and especially
                          during tho month of tho fast, and it is possible that some quite
                          small incidont might havo sorioua consequences.
                          7.   I am sending copies ol\ this doaputch to the British Middle
                          East Office and Tohruffc’*, j;. /)>\.
                                                                 I havo tho honour to bo,
                                           0: ': k              with tho highost respect,
                                           mf ■                            Sir,
                                           fc-                 Your mos Jt.qbodiont  Sorvant,
                                              <*•         /
                                                                           lYV.w. H&
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