Page 106 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 106

94                         Records oj Bahrain

                           a)   that a Code for the Bahrain Courts should bo drawn
                          (u)   that proportionate representation on the Majlis al
                                Tujjarah and on the Baladlyahs (Municipalities)
                                should be accorded to them, and
                         (iii)  that certain alleged rights in connection with
                                Education should be restored to them.

                                At the same time, however, they started to hold excited

                       meetings in the Matams (religious centres) and formulated further
                       demands, some of which were most extravagant.   The villagers,
                       among whom are many unemployed and who have suffered much from the
                       fall in prices, were enticed into Manamah on the plea that if they

                       came to the meetings and paid two bezahs (half an anna), work would
                       be obtained for them on the Oil Field.

                           7.   The position regarding the three points mentioned in the
                       petition and the action taken on them may be summarized as follows

                           (a)  The Code. The Sunni and Shi'oh Qadhis were consulted
                       in writing and welcomed the principle of a Code, with certain
                       reasonable reservations by the Sunni Qadhis about the use of
                       Shara* laws in certain matters (marriage and so on).
                           (b) . Proportionate representation on the Majlis al Tujjarnh

                       and the Baladlvahs. His Excellency Shaikh Sir Hamad approved of a
                       substantially increased representation of the Baharinah in both
                       bodies; indeed, increases on the Baladlyahs had already received

                       his sanction - in Manamah up to equality with the Arabs.
                           (c). Education. Three or four years ago a so-called Board of
                       Education had to be abolished owing to dissensions and inefficiency
                       and control of Education placed in the hands of Shaikh ’Abdullah

                       bin ’Isa. The schools are all open to the Shi*ah Baharinah
                        (indeed, one at Suq al Khamls is entirely Shi*ah) as we 11 as to the
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