Page 103 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 103
Baharnah agitation for reform, 1935 91
rtiomito repreoontation, they nuggo .ted n cunnuo, onU that tho Megllf
inro choulU be an elected body, ( the momboro have never boen elected
l jjnve boon appointed by tho Government*) In the matter of Education
uv wiohod the Boys' School in Manama to be handed over to them with
if 0i* the annual money granted for Education, they nokod for a Shin
icationul Council. Shaikh Abdulla naked whether oohoolo in Iraq
lnteu for Shine and Sunnia, oopnrntely, thoy admitted tliat ochoola
lU,c were for uo/fc accto combined. Thoy argued that although the money
Education came from tho Governiuent yet aa the people paid the taxeB
emuo from the peoplo and tho Sahnrnn, being three quartern of tho
hulution,should havo a oay in what direction it war. epent* Regarding
'■Code thoy on hi that the committee ohould bo xppeainjcK chooon by the
lliurnu bccuune tho lawn wore to be applied to the peoplo therefore tho
jY;*i ohoulu bo made by the people.
At t)iig point Shaikh Homed loot hie tempor mid addroeeed the
•linrnu. He ould that he v/au tho ruler of Bahrain, doocondod from
my generntionu of rulero and he had never hoard such a suggestion ao
;at hie oubjcctn chould moke lawn for Him. Ho told them, vory plainly,
jat they wore not opprenood but fortunate in comparleon to inhabitants
! neighbouring count riot;, ho warned the four men that they would be hold
raonally reaponciblo for any dinturbanco and that they/ao the leadorB
the Bahama/Would bo puninhod if anything happened. He forbade tnera
■ cornu to Sakhrir or to oond people out to him there and oaid that if
v.'inhe.t to upeak to thorn again he would do go in the court with tho
epic prenent who were pro pent then, Tho four men became very
cl leu, they anld that thia wan " Thulm " and one threatened to leave
.lirnin uy tho next boat, to which Shaikh Hame.i anld " Biomlllah - go,"
.nlkh iIiimcm then tola them that they were dimuinacd and walked out of
as court to hia car, all hin foil owe r a we’re armed with rifloo.
Saaikh Abdulla came to arc me Inter nd discussed niattern. He wao
rrleu over tno whole nffnir and saw varioua ponaiullitioa which had
t occurruu to Saaikn Homed, lie thought that the next movement would be
r a Parliament, an idea moat ulnta. teful to him. iio connidoreu the
i.imiiu i or proportionate ruprovenlnl Ion a very dangerous one and the
.•:./;i::;tion of electing the Mcglis Tajnrn very uuwarrnutui, he thought
«.-y should bo mtiaiied with the conrcr.r.ioun which they had been given
u cour.ldc.'OM it unv/inc to give in to them any i.-.ooc. He thougnt that
r complaint about schools war. mainly a personal oik- aa the Bahama
ii tu Iuranoiu al Areyth to be appointed ao headmaster in Manama.
On Saturday tho Bahama leaders appeared at the Agency. On
nilny Manroor Al Areyth came to see me and nenured me that there would i
no disturbances. He again pressed tae question of proportionate \
presentation mid schooin. He raid that the Government ought to send i
c or two Bahama boys abroad to be educated and complaine l that when
■»u years ago ten boys wore unit to Beyrout University no Bahama were '
at with them.
Auf< JtA**~***^
On Sunday one oi' the men wno.cuused a disturbance in the bazaar
writing names of Bahama, and taking money from them, with the
O,"ioe to get them work, was nrronto . for stealing gold ornaments from
v bouse of Iprahnim Al Areyth.
The Bnharuu are now quiet and I consider th:t, for the time
,*1*8» there is no likl/chood of any further trouble but cor tain Arabs
Muharrnq, leu by All bin Abdulla Abool, aro causing some agitation
r-l attempting to utlr up the Arabs to take up the question of foreign
u®ur Dud Education. Abool is a well known agitator and connldero that
niiG a grievance against tho Agency Court and tho Bahrain Court,