Page 210 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 210
198 Records of Bahrain
unconstitutional. Ile considers that ull magi3-
trato3 should bo uppointod by tho Govornraont not
oloctod by the pooplo. This does not apply to
tho Majlis Tajara which is an advisory oourt of
morchants und poarl magnates, He strongly resents
the proposal that all the present magistrates
should bo summarily dismissed.
His Highness considers thut it is advisable
to recommence tho work of preparing a oode of laws
for Bahrain and that a now committee should be
appointed and he approves of an expert being hired
from abroad to assist in this wo^*k and to instruct
the present magistrates.
5. Balediyu. Him Highness considers that
the mutters complained about should be dealt with
by the Municipal Councils themselves, Ho is not
aware that there is a preponderence of foreigners
on the staffs of the municipalities.
6. Labour Committee. His Highness wishes
to appoint one person as a Buhrain Government repre-
sontative with the Bahrain Petroleum Company to act
as a go between in discussions between the Company
and Bahruin subjects working with the Company. He
does not approve of the suggestion that a committee
should undertake this duty nor that this committee
should interfere in all labour matters.
7. Committee to mediate between Government
and Puhlio. His Highness sees no need for such
an organisation especially as there already exist
a number of local bodies^ partly elooted, who repre
sent various sections of the public such as munici
pal councils, wakf councils and minors estates councils.'