Page 52 - Records of Bahrain (5) (i)_Neat
P. 52

40                         Records of Bahrain

             •• requeeted that in any furlhtr comtnuni-
          • cnfi'on on thie eubject the undermentioned lollor
          •onrf nunibor inny be quoted, and the rej>ly   indj.a oimcic,
          u<Idreued to—
            The t'nder Secretary of State for India,        WlilTISlL ALL,
                  Political Vei>arlment,
                        India Office,                             LONDON, S.W. 1.
                            font tun, 3. U\ ],
            P. Z. 47513/36.
                                                            11th July,1936.

                                   I am diroctod by tho soorotury of Gt^ftc for India
                        to rol'or to your lottor of the JiQtli May,193G,lJo.G#IUP#173/2,

                        and oonnoot9d oorraupondonoo rccardin^ the ol’fioiul vioit
                        to I'jntjland of llio Kxoollonoy tho sheikh of Duhroin.
                                   Tho Marqueau of Zetland undorotundu tiiut tho
                        Shaikh*u vioit v;ao un unqualified quccoojj, and dojjirco to
                         convoy to tiio Jiiniotor in char^o, Govarnmont Ilonpitulity,
                         an oxproooion of hio appreciation of tho hospitality

                         affordod to the Sheikh, and hiu thanko to you and your
                         dopartmont for tho guoooug of tho arrandomonto mudo for Hio
                        Exoolloney*o roaoption und ontortainuiont in thin country.

                                                 I uiii, sir,
                                                    Your obodlont servant,

                                                        (&U-a. 0. \\' ■' :.TOW.

                   Tho soorotary,
                         Govornmont Jloopltulity Pund,
                                 Trououry chambero,
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