Page 269 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
P. 269
A Bnsliakardi outlaw named Karamshah, who was in.Military custodv for
some tune, was shot by the Military authorities on the 13th February 1935 and
it is said that there are still 4 more to receive the same punishment.
A reception was held on the evening 0f 2nd Isfand (21st February 1935)'
to celebrate the Anniversary of the Coup d’etat, in the Military Office, to width
all the heads of the Government Departments and all the lending merchants
were invited, and was followed bv a performance named “ Sarbaz-e-Fidnkar ”
(Devoted Soldier) in which the reorganisation of the present armv under His
Imperial Majesty was placed before the audience. A Military dispbiv on the
parade grounds, consisting of drill, physical exercises, bayonet fighting, and
terminated the following evening with a salute and march past before the
photograph of His Majesty. The present Officer Commanding got all the credit
for this, it being the first Of its kind held by Iranian troops in Bandar Abbas.
Bandar Abbas*—570 conscripts wore recruited during the year under
Lin yah.--No one lias been recruited in Lingali but from the beginning of the
Noruz an office will be opened and that the Lingah people will be recruited for
the Navy.
Condition of the Country.
Bandar Abbas.—Tn the beginning of May 1934, the relatives of one Akbar,
a Basbakirdi outlaw, who was hanged last year and whose wife was being
escorted by four soldiers to be handed over to the Military authorities at Kalmu
in Rudbar, attacked the party killing the soldiers and setting the woman free.
The Customs depot at Sedijoh was raided by Beyaban outlaws and in the
skirmish which took place between the latter and the coastal guards, one of the
guards was wounded and brought to Bandar Abbas in May last, and sent to
Kerman for treatment.
In 'May 1934, the Financial Agent of Minnb, while returning from Roudan,
where be ban been to collect outstanding revenues, was held up by Bnshakirdics,
who relieved him of all his cash and disarmed the two road-guards, who accom
panied him as body guards.
One Ctlmlam Shall, a deserter from the Amnich (Road Guard), who was
wanted by the Amnich for the murder of a road guard, joined the Amir, an out
law. The party—consisting 14 in number—were harrassing the people travel
ling between the various villages and among other things, have killed one Haji
Mushir’s brother-in-law near Sarkoon. Gluilam Shall sent word to Iiaji Mushir
(a well-known merchant of Bandar Abbas) that lie would not lie satisfied until
lie killed Iiaji Mushir himself, at whose instigation the relatives of Gliulam
Shah were caught by the villagers and handed over to the Road Guard authori
ties. 8 persons from village of Kala Qazi were arrested by the Road Guards
authorities in ibis connection, on the evidence of a donkey man who accompanied
the latter on the tragic journey, and brought to Bandar Abbas for trial. "When
the (lonkoymmi was cross-examined, he denied the statement recorded by the
road guards, as it was taken under threat from the relatives of the murdered
Ghulam Shah, referred to above, came to Bandar Abbas to seek amnesty
and said that lie never indulged in highway robbery. He is said to have been
given a sum of Rials 100 as present and promised more if he gave his occasional
services to Amnieh authorities in locating the other outlaws.
Amir, the outlaw (a boy of 18 years of age) who was wanted by the authori
ties for murdering a road guard at Sarzeh was caught hv his uncle, handed over
to the Road Guard authorities at the beginning of October, as his uncle was
ordered to produce the youth, failing which, lie would lie taken to task. The
Amir flatly denied the charge of murder and slated that he had taken to robbery
only in order to obtain a living and not bloodshed. His wife, who followed him
to Bandar Abbas, is kept as a maid servant by one of the road guards.
Four deserters from the Army, who managed to escape with their rifles,
wore liavrassing travellers in Minab area. On the night of the 22ud August,
they raided the house of a petty trader pi' Kishrn at a village of Deh-ustad. in