Page 266 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
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                     Governor and which is surrounded with arched walls which face the main road
                     presents a cheerful appearance. The garden consists of flower plants, lime and
                     mango trees. When he heard that the Minister of Finance was expected the
                     Governor requested the services of the gardener from the British Consulate for
                     a short period daily to prepare the flower beds and to sow seeds.
                        Lint/ah.—Agha Ebrahint TJa.ii Iiassan Galledarv, President of ihe Munici­
                     pality under the control of the Deputy Governor, held charge throughout the
                        'Jdic Municipality accumulated funds amounting to Rials 80,000, hut no im-
                     pr< vements to the town have been done, except sweeping the town, and lighting
                     the streets. The present Deputy Governor invented several schemes to "spend
                     this money. First an electric installation was proposed, but, as it would not
                     pay the up keep, this question was dropped. The second proposal was to build
                    a Municipal building ; which would be the residence of the Deputy Governor
                    and sanction was accordingly obtained from Tehran without the knowledge of
                    the members to spend Rials 30,000. As the Deputy Governor’s intention was to
                    misappropriate Rials 10,000 for himself, all the members, more especially the
                     Director of Customs, opposed the construction of building for the use of the
                    Deputy Governor. In spite of this, the Deputy Governor bought furniture for
                    himself out of this fund. The final suggestion is to dredge the two basins
                    (shipping yards for sailing vessels) and repair walls at a cost of Rials 50,000.
                        Bandar Abbas.—Agha Mirza Ali Khan Basti, held charge as Director of
                    Education throughout the year.
                        There is only one Government School with 150 boys.
                        Ling ah.—Sheikh Saleh, Director of Schools held charge tltfoughout the
                        There are two schools in Lingah, namely, Government School with 40 pupils
                    and Mohamadi Mehli (the Merchants’ School) with 90 boys. None of these
                    schools have funds and the salaries of teachers are always in arrears for about
                    4 months.
                        Bandar Abba*.—Naib Shamsuddin Khan Safai, after handing over charge
                    to Sultan Ibrahim Khan Ashrufi, left for Khurassan on the 26th May 1934. The
                    latter hardly remained one month and left for Tehran on the ground of ill-hoal'h.
                    Naib Atashi, Rais-i-Nazmiyeh of Kislim was appointed to officiate. Sultan
                    Ibrahim Khan Ashrafi returned from Tehran and took over charge at the end of
                    August 1934.
                        During the year under review, three policemen, who were found to have
                    been implicated in local thefts, were imprisoned and discharged from service.
                        Money is being extracted from people for any small service, specially on
                    passports issued to Iranian subjects when each ordinary person is asked to pay
                    Rialh 30, though il is believed that bribes of Rials 1,000 to 1,500 have also been
                    paid by well-to-do conscripts to escape from the country.
                       A Police force, as in the previous year, was maintained at Lingah, Jlcnjara,
                    Minab, .Task Olmrbar and Kishm Island : all these will now come under Bandar
                    Ablms Police Department, from the Iranian New Year.
                       On the 26th May 1934 the Rais-i-Nazmiyeh, Lingah, deported seventeen per­
                    sons suspected of petty smuggling to Kerman, but the local Rais-i-Nazmiych,
                    after extorting Rials 100 from each person, released them all and allowed them
                    to return to their’ homes.
                       Lingah.—Scyed Muhmood Fedevi, Rais-i-Nazmiych, remained in charge
                    throughout the year. He .is reputed for taking bribes, although he outwardly
                   appears to be sympathetic to the poor.
                                             Passport Department.
                       The work continued to remain in the hands' of the Police authorities.
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