Page 353 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
P. 353
Poor Relief.—Various efforts were made by the municipality with’
more or less success to reduce the number of beggars in the town. Food,
' ollung and housing was provided for them by a local committee presided
over l>y the Governor-General. Organization and co-ordination were
Soviet Activities.—There was a marked decrease in the commercial
activities of the Soviets.
Ihc Consul General at Shiraz was away during most of the year and
the offices of the 1 lading Agency \vere closed down. A member of the
head office of the Trading Organisation has visited Shiraz from time to
time for purchases of lambskins and gum tragacanth.
Surveys.—Mr. William Browne, surveyor of the Anglo-Iranian Oil
Company, set out from Shiraz at the end of November for a survey of the
S. E. districts of the Province.
Church Missionary Society.—The Right Reverend Bishop Linton,
D. D. Bishop in Persia, visited Shiraz in June to take farewell before
leaving Iran to take up a fresh appointment at home. He is succeeded by
the Right Reverend Bishop W. J. Thompson, formerly Archdeacon and
Principal of the Stuart Memorial College at Isfahan, recently consecrated
Bishop in Persia.
Four candidates were presented bv the Stuart Memorial College at
Isfahan for the matriculation examinations of the University of London
held at Isfahan in June. Of these only one was successful.
Dr. J. A. Martin, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. arrived at Shiraz at the end
of the year for duty at the Church Missionary Society Hospital at Shiraz.
He has over ten years service in India with the Society.
Sport.—A football team from the capital visited Shiraz during the
summer and matches were played with the newly formed local team.
A local tennis club was formed at Shiraz.
Archeological.—Monsieur Goddard of the Ministry of Education was
at Shiraz early in the year when a division of the finds at Persepolis was
made between the Iranian Government and the Oriental Institute of
Professor J. Upham Pope was at Persepolis in the month of May.
Professor E. Hertsfeld, the field director at Persepolis proceeded on
leave early in the year. He did not return and was succeeded by Dr. Erich
Schmidt, a naturalised American citizen. Dr. Schmidt is in charge also of
the works at Rey and in Luristan. He moves between these areas by aero
plane. All the German staff formerly working under Professor Ilertzfeld
had been ‘replaced by Americans at the end of the year.
The American mission, under a Mr. Upton, working at Qasr-Abu-
Nasr, near Shiraz, closed down work in May and left for Azerbaijan.
French archaeologists of the Musee du Louvre Mission, began excava-
tions at Shahpur, near Kazarun, in the autumn.
Sir Aurel Stein, K.C.I.E., arrived at Shiraz in November and set out
for Behbehan via Ardakan. He is engaged upon another archaeological
exploration in Iran of 18 months. He hopes to explore in Khuzistan,
Luristan and Kurdistan. The Governor General of Fars offered him
every facility for his work in this province.
British Consulate.—Mr. L. F. L. Pyman, (His Majesty’s Vice Consul)
and Mr. L. Barnett, Probationer Vice Consuls, returned to Shiraz from
Tehran in May for a further course of Persian studies. They left for the
capital in December to take their second year’s examination, after which
they proceeded on leave of absence.
Mr. W. H. Young, Probationer Vice-Consul, arrived at Shiraz on
December 28th, 1935 for his first year of Persian studies. He has been
attached to the Consulate as Acting Vice Consul.