Page 446 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
P. 446
(9 The Radio -Radio sots from being rather rare have become common
m Kuwait during the year, mostly Philips, and not British, as there is nn
such make as cheap and efficient as the foreign makes
listeners3 pr°gramme and the tn‘linb’ual programme is disconcerting to
.V.—Death of His late Majesty King George and Accessions of King
Edward and King George VI.
News of the death of the late King was received on the 21st January.
M thTh<3 Ruler Sent a messaee of s>’mPathy t0 Kine Edward and the Queen
The bazaars were closed and the Europeans took care to mark in annro
pnate ways their sorrow. On the accession of His Majesty Kin" Edward
VIII and His Majesty King George VI the Ruler sent telegram! express
ing his humble duty, receiving to oach a gracious reply.
VI.—Condition of the Country.
Law and order have remained unchanged. Security in the hinterland
continues to be good.
.VII.—Foreign Relations.
(a) Saudi Arabia.
His Majesty the King of Saudi Arabia arrived in Kuwait
on 29th January and stayed until 6th February making a private
visit—if private can be distinguished from official in such matters in this
part of the World—to the Shaikh of Kuwait.
He was accompanied by a number of his sons, notably the Emir Muham
mad and the Emirs Khalid and Mansur. His total party numbered 673
travelling in 146 motor cars.
Gifts were exchanged bv the King and the Shaikh. The Shaikh in
accordance with custom provided each of the party from the Royal visitors
downwards with pocket money and new dresses and cloaks.
Figures which give an idea of the scale of the many presents are—
Present from Ibn Saud to the Subak family . 11 motor cars.
Present from tho Shaikh to the King’s followers . . 750 cloaka.
His Majesty was without doubt much pleased with the visit and' relations
have been most cordial ever since, the two Rulers exchanging private letters
every few weeks.
2. The Trade Blockade continues but it has been the subject of official
correspondence and may be nearer solution.
(b) Iraq.
1. The Ruler reported a total of 12 incursions of which 11 were Iraq
Police by land and 1 Iraq Customs officials by sea into ^wait wate^ JN
ZpTn •■£ wSmi, M Ju». »»"
Will! the departure from the Iraqi ^oped ^hel'd'e
is ended.