Page 451 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
P. 451


          though methylated spirit is denaturalised and every effort made to suppress
          this form of evil.
              Partly owing to the amount of traffic on the roads at night there has
          been no cases of dacoity during the year.
              There has been no change in the organisation of the naturs who have
          carried out their duties satisfactorily under the various Amirs. A natur
          post has been opened at Budaiyah.
              5. Local Affairs.—(i) On the night of the 15/ 16th December a serious
          fire broke out and destroyed the vegetable and wood1 markets. Almost the
          entire stock of firewood in Manamah was burnt. His Excellency Shaikh
          Sir Ilamad bin ’Isa A1 Khalifah, K.C.I.E., C.S.I., Ruler of Bahrain,
          contributed Rs. 2,000 and the Bahrain Government Rs. 2,000 to the perma­
          nent fund of the Manamah Municipality for fire relief victims to be allocat­
          ed by the Council among the sufferers from this fire.
              (ii) A party of small boys, who were playing in a water channel at
          Shakhura village, chanced upon a concealed hoard of gold coins, which
          tumbled out of an hole in the bank on the site of an old house. A number
          of the coins were found to be Turkish coins of the time of Sultan ’Abdul
          Hamid bin Ahmad (A. II. 1187). One coin was, however, a Venetian gold
          ducat of A. D. 1280—89.
              6. The Bahrain Petroleum Company, Limited.—(i) Mr. G. W. R.
          Smith acted as Chief Local Representative throughout the year.
              (ii) Mr. B. A. Skinner acted as Resident Manager throughout the
              (iii) Work on the Refinery proceeded apace during the year. The
          construction work was not, however, completed, as it had been hoped, by
          the end of the year.
              (iv) On the night of 18/19th April a small section of the temporary
          British personnel employed in connection with the construction of the Refi­
          nery, who had for some time been giving trouble, started a real “Rough
          House” in the course of which the Resident Manager, who had attempted
          to quiet the disturbance, was assaulted and several persons more or less
          badly hurt. The Political Agent’s help was invoked by the Company.
          Special Constables were appointed and on one night when serious trouble
          appeared possible, a strong party of Bahrain Police, under the Commandant
          of Police (Mr. C. Dalrymple Belgravc), was stationed on the outskirts of
          the Camp until early the next morning. Four of the ringleaders were on
          the 25th April repatriated under Section 21 (1) of the Bahrain Order in
              (v)  500,400 tons of crude oil and 9,200 tons of fuel oil were shipped
          from Bahrain during the year in forty-one tankships of various nationali­
          ties (8 American, 16 Norwegian, 6 British, 3 Danish, 5 Japanese, 2 Italian
          and 1 French), the total royalty due to the State amounted to Rs. 17,83,600.
              (vi)  On the 31st December the Company’s employees by nationalities
                European British subjects
                Indian British subjocts
                Bahrainis .
              7.  Agriculture—The question of re-establishing the Department of
          consider T*6’    Was c^oscc* ow*n£ to financial stringency, has been under
              8.  Customs.—The Customs revenue amounted to Rs. 8,12 417 as com­
          pared with Rs. 6,31,779 collected during the previous year. Of this
          amount transit duty on shipments to the mainland amounted to Rs l in
          compared with Rs. 84,455 during the previous year„
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