Page 455 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
P. 455


              19. Medical.—(1) Victoria Memorial Hospital.—(l) Assistant Sur­
          geon R. Holmes,        held charge of the Victoria Memorial Hospital
          from 1st January to 4th August and from 6th December to the end of the
          year. He was also Quarantine Medical Officer.
              Assistant Surgeon C. E. Hynes held charge during Assistant Sur-
          geon  Holmes’ absence on leave.
              (ii) 14,774 outdoor patients and 275 indoor patients were treated as
          opposed to 17,454 outdoor and 293 indoor patients during the preceding
          year. 726 major and minor operations were performed as compared with
          I, 190. There has been a further slight decrease in the number of malaria
          cases  treated. Smallpox has remained endemic during the year.
              (2) Hospitals of the Arabian Mission.—(i) Dr. L. P. Dame, M.D.,
          assisted by Dr. W. W. Thomas, M.D., and Dr. W. H. Storm, M.D., held
          charge of the Hospital until May 2nd when he went on leave. Dr. Dame
          subsequently tendered his resignation and took up an appointment with
          California Arabian Standard Oil Company.
              (ii) A lady doctor Dr. E. Bamy, M.D., was in charge of the women
          hospital from April until the end of the year. She was assisted by Miss
          J.  Bast.
              (iii) On 31st March, Dr. Storm returned from a ten months tour of
          the Arabian peninsula. During the course of his tour Dr. Storm visited
          Asir, Hadramaut and Dhufar. Dr. Storm is said to have discovered seve­
          ral hitherto unknown centres of indigenous leprosy.
              Dr. W. W. Thomas went to Riyadh on 26th December and had not
          returned at the end of the year.
              (iv) 79,127 cases were treated during the year as compared with 51,379
          during 1935.  1,355 ind'oor patients were treated compared with 1,283.
          1,304 major and minor operations were performed as compared with 1,371'
          performed during the previous year.
              20. Judicial•—The total number of civil suits was 1,588 as compared
          with 1,804 in 1935. The total number of criminal cases was 224 as com­
          pared with 403 in 1935. No insolvency cases were dealt with during the
              21.  Movements of foreigners.—(i) Mr. K. Ohba (Japanese), a repre­
          sentative of Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Limited, arrived at Bahrain on 21st
          February. During a week’s stay Mr. Ohba arranged that Khan Sahib
          Haji Yusuf bin Ahmad Kanoo should undertake shipping agency work
          for his line. Whilst in Bahrain Mr. Ohba stayed with an Iranian mer­
          chant, Mr. Muhammad Tayib Khunji, who has a son in Japan stud-ying
          business.. Mr. Ohba at first wished to arrange for Mr. Muhammad Tayib
          Khunji to take up his line’s shipping agency, but the request was refused
          by the Bahrain Government as the firm had no experience of such work.
              (ii)  Herr H. I. Fritze (German), agent in Bushire of the Hansa Line,
          arrived from Bushire on the 7th April 1936. He lived on board the S. S.
          “Marienfels”, where he joined Herr Bruhn, the Line’s Manager for the
          Persian Gulf area. He left by the S. S. “Marienfels” on the 10th April.
              (iii)  Herr R. Kulenkampff (German), the representative of Johann
          Schlinz Nfg., Vienna, arrived in Bahrain, to buy pearl shells.
              22.  Movements of British Officials.—(i) The Honourable Lieutenant-
          Colonel T. C. Fowle, C.B.E., the Political Resident in the Persian Gulf
          arrived at Bahrain, on 15th January and left on 23rd January. He was
          accompanied by his Under Secretary Mr. J. Croning, M.B.E.
              (ii) On the 28th April Lieutenant-Colonel Loch, Political Agent ac
          companied by Captain T. Hickinbotham, Assistant Political Agent ’and
          Assistant Surgeon R. Holmes, in the Agency Launch “Felix Jones” visited
          the Shutaiyah Pearl Bank, where early pearling is taking place Verv
          few boats were out.                                         *    *
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