Page 450 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
P. 450
(iv) Shaikh Rashid bin Muhammad was appointed a Magistrate
Bahrain Court to sit with Shaikh ’Abdullah bin Iiis _ on tho
Excellency Shaikh
3. Local Government Officials.—Mr. C. Dalrymplc Bclgravc C11F
Adviser to the Bahrain Government, proceeded on leave to England n<u\\l
June and returned on the 1st November. During his absence his work
carried out by Mr. C. C. L. dcGrenier. was
Mr. C. C. L. deGrenier performed the duties of Director of CWnmc
and l'ort Officer, Bahrain, throughout tho year. s
Mr. W. B. Steele has been State Engineer to the Bahrain Government
throughout the year. He acted as Commandant, State Police, Bahrain
during the absence of Mr. C. Dalrymplc Belgrave, C.B.E., on leave! * ’
The honour of a Commandership of the Most Excellent Order of the
British Empire was conferred upon Mr. C. Dalrymplc Belgrave in the
Birthday Honours List.
4. Bahrain Police—
Strength on
let January 31st December
Police. 193G. 1936.
Indian Police . 3 4
Arab Police 168 200
Followers 11 14
182 21&
Nature (Watchmen).
Manamah 60 63
Budaiyah 6
Rata* 6
Muharruq 42 61
108 124
Police, Naturs, Law and Order.—Police duties have increased during
the year. Owing to the amount of traffic and the large numbers of foreign
ers employed by the Bahrain Petroleum Company more men have to be
placed on duty in the bazaars and elsewhere. Cases of motor accidents
have to be dealt with almost daily. A section of police is stationed at tho
Bahrain Petroleum Company’s Camp by arrangement with the Company
and this has been found to be very useful in dealing with cases at the Camp.
Although the Force is slightly larger than it was in 1935 it is rarely possi
ble to collect more than forty men on parade. A regular course of musketry
has been arranged and it is intended that every man in the force shall fire
a course once during the year. The standard of firing is steadily improv
ing. The health of the police is better and they are not getting malaria as
frequently as in the past. Six non-commissioned officers and men are in
India doing a course of training with the 10th Baluch Regiment. This
is the second contingent which has been sent to India, as the first experi
ment was very successful. The police head-dress was changed during the
year from the Arab aqal and kufTiah to turbans similar to those worn by
troops in Egypt, the Sudan and the Somaliland. The turbans are more
economical and more practical than the other head-dress.
There has been an exceptionally small amount of crime during the year
partly because there is less unemployment and partly because most of the
notorious rogues are employed by the Bahrain Petroleum Company, illi
cit arak brewing has decreased and1 the use of methylated spirit mixed wi i
eau de cologne has become popular especially with the women of the town,.