Page 519 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
P. 519
Strength on
1st 31«t
January December
1037. 1037.
Nat irs.
M.uiuiuuli . 73 72
Muhiuruq . 51 51
124 123
Police Naturs Law and Order —Police.—A mounted section of Police
was started during the year but difficulty is being experienced in obtaining
horses locally.
Owing to work being obtainable on high wages at the Bahrain Petroleum
Company Limited many of the men do not now rc-enlist after completing
their first term of four years.
A party of Bahrain Policemen have now replaced the naturs who were
stationed at Hawar Islands.
The Police Band has been trained as a fire brigade which is in charge
of the State Engineer.
Naturs.—Naturs have been posted at Sitra where cases of smuggling and
illegal landing showed the need for supervision.
Law and Order.—One murder occurred during the year. A woman
murdered a child from motives of jealousy. She was convicted and exe
During the year there has been a serious increase in cases of motor acci
dents. On some occasions a3 many as 3 cases a week were being investi
gated by the Police. Recent proclamations issued by the Bahrain Govern
ment regarding speed regulations and the adoption of governors on cars have
helped to reduce the number of accidents considerably.
5. Local Affairs.—(£) An “Arms Ordinance Proclamation, 1355” was
issued by the Bahrain Government in January 1937, and a King’s Regula
tion was made applying it to all persons subject to the Bahrain Order in Council.
Briefly this regulation prohibits the import or export of firearms, or their
manufacture, and provides for the issue of licences to those already in pos
session of arms and to approved persons. The regulation does not apply
to firearms imported for the use of His Majesty’s Government or the Bahrain
(ii) Coronation of Their Majesties, 12th May 1937.—On the occasion of
the Coronation of Their Majesties on the 12th May 1937 a parade of tho
Bahrain State Police was held at the Palace and His Highness Shaikh Sir
Hamad bin ’Isa al Khalifah took the salute at the march past. At 12 noon
H.M.S. “ Shoreham ” fired a salute, and in the afternoon His Highness was at
home at the Palace. In the evening a Reception was held at the Agency,
which was attended by His Highness and representatives of all communities.
On the following day a torch ‘light tattoo was held at the Fort and the day
after a Reception was held at the Municipal building at which speeches of
loyalty and congratulation were read. The Coronation celebrations were
entered into wholeheartedly by all classes of the population and were attended
by a general spirit of rejoicing.
(iii) The new' Bahrain Courts Building was completed in September
1937 and the formal opening took place on the 18th of October.
The Shaikh of Bahrain and the Political Agent distributed Coronation
Medals that evening.
G. The Bahrain Petroleum Company Limited.—(i) Mr. G. W. R. Smith
acted as the Chief Local Representative throughout tho year.
{H) Mr. E. A. Skinner acted as the Resident Manager from the beginning
oi the year up to the 19th of June when he was relieved by Mr. C. W. Deacon
who continued to hold charge till the end of the year.
{Hi) The end of the year marked the completion of tho Refinery. The
formal opening took place on the llth December.
0310) KiAfkirsDopt.