Page 517 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
P. 517
Besides visits from the Hon’ble the Political Resident, Persian Gulf,
from the Residency Surgeon Bushire, from the Commercial Adviser to the
Hon’hle the Political Resident and from the Secretary to the Hon’blo the
Political Resident, the visitors during the year included :—
(1) Major Frank Holmes, a Concessionaire—3rd January 1937.
(2) Mr. Hugh Montgomery, 1 st Secretary, British Embassy, Baghdad—
I Oth January 1937.
(3) Mr. G. W. Rondel, C.M.G., Head of the Eastern Department of the
Foreign Office, Condon,—21st February 1937.
(4) Mr. C. J. Edmonds, C.B.E., Adviser to the Ministry of Interior
Baghdad—27th February 1937.
(5) Mr. P. Kjiabenshiucrc, Resident Minister at Baghdad of the
United States of America—27th April 1937.
(G) Mr. H. J. Seymour, C.M.G., His Majesty’s Minister, Tehran—
3rd November 1937.
(7) Air Vice-Marshall C. L. Courtney, C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O., Air Officer
Commanding the Iraq Command—10th November 1937.
(8) Sheikh Hafiz Wahba, the Saudi Arabian Minister, London—
7th September 1937.
(9) Sheikh Nuri Shaalan, Emir of the Ruwnlla tribes of Syria, a
father-in-law of His Majesty the King of Saudi-Arabia—
28th January 1937.
(10) Sheikh Yusif Yassin, Head of the Political Section of the Secre
tariat of H. M. the King of Saudi-Arabia—7th September
1937 and 11th November 1937.
(11) H. R. H. the Emir Saud of Saudi Arabia travelled along the
Kuwait frontier on his way to Iraq.
(a) 3*70" of rain fell during the year.
{b) Maximum temperature—117°F.
(c) Minimum temperature—3S°F.
G. S. de GAURY, Captain,
Political Agent, Kuwait.