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Tho Customs rcvenuo suffered greatly in consequence and was the sub
ject of frequent enquiries from tho Central Administration.
With a viow to stimulating trade a scheme was introduced in July where
by goods to tho valuo of rials 1,000 (£12) may bo exported without any ex
change undertaking, and unprohibited goods imported into sub-Customs
offices in tho provinco. This is believed to havo afforded some small relief,
especially to trade in the moro remote districts.
II. Mines.—The salt mines at Namakdan, the concession for which
was held by tho Shcrkat-o-Namak in joint partnership with tho Agricultural
Bank o ’ Iran, coascd to function after tho work of quarrying was stopped in
June for tho summer.
Tho Ministry of Finance is believed to be against tho concession and tho
question of cancelling tho agreement with the Sherkat is under their considera
No export of salt from these mines was made during the* year, though
about 60,000 tons is said to be ready.
Hormuz.—The red oxide mines and the salt mines of Hormuz which
wore under tho supervision of tho Customs were transferred to the charge of
the Governor of Bandar Abbas with effect from May. The Governor’s pro
posal to give the contract of quarrying the red oxide mines at Hormuz at
fixed rate of rials 10 (2/6) per ton to Khan Sahib Ibrahim Gelladary was
rejected by Tehran.
2,411 tons of salt were shipped to Japan from the Hormuz mines in
11,219 tons of red oxide were shipped to various countries during the
Towards the close of the year the control of the mines at Hormuz was
transferred to the Ministry of Industry and special staff was sent down from
Tehran in December to take over the charge from the Governor.
III. Fishery.—Doctor Blegvad, a Danish Scientist in the employ of the
Ministry of Finance, arrived at Bandar Abbas on 15th January in connection
with the fishing industry and the construction of a cannery.
He paid a second visit to this port on 9th April in the trawler “ Rashgoo
He said to have reported to the Shah that Bandar Abbas is the most
suitable port for new industry, and to have received instructions to proceed
with his plans.
The construction of a small factory at Bandar Abbas is estimated to
cost about rials 400,000 (£5,000).
It is proposed to erect the plant at Naibund about 2-3 miles from the
8. Shipping and Navigation.
129 Steam era aggregating 269,574 tons entered and cleared at the port
of Bandar Abbas during 1937.
The distribution was as follows:—
Nationality. Tonnage.
British 190,764
German 49,218
Japan 18,172
Danish 7,758
Russian 3,672
Quarantine was enforced at the port against plague from 22nd September
to 28th October on steamers arriving from Indian ports.
British Consulate, Kerman, G. A. FALCONER, Major,
Dated Bandar Abbas, the 15th February 1938. His Majesty's Consul,
Kerman-Bandar Abbas.