Page 509 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
P. 509
II. Press.—There arc nominally four newspapers published periodically
in Kerman. So far as this Consulate is concerned nothing objectionable
was published during tho year.
9. The SnAii’s Birthday.
This was celebrated in Kerman on 14th March by a reception given by
tho Governor, and the day was observed as a public holiday. Only about
50 pcoplo of the 200 invited were ablo to accept tho invitation which mado
morning coat and top hat compulsory. H. M.*s Consul attended.
1. British interests.
I. Coronation of Iiis Majesty King George VI.—The Coronation of His
Majesty King George VI was celebrated at the British Consulate, Bandar
Abbas, on the 12th May. The function was attended by the local Governor,
the Officer Commanding the troops, Chief of Police, the manager of tho
National Bank of Iran, and a few local merchants.
II. Gray, Mackenzie and Company Ltd.—The Company maintaned a
branch at Bandar Abbas throughout the year.
III. Anglo-Iranian Oil Company Ltd.—The business of tho Company
continued to increase, in absence of any foreign competition. Supplies of
kerosinc oil and petrol for the eastern Iranian markets, and Sirjan, Kerman,
Rafsinjan, and Yezd, arrived at this port.
The Company’s geologists visited this area during January, February*
and December.
IV. Frank Strick Lines Lid.—The company entered into a contract
with the Iranian Government to purchase during a period of 12 months 15,000
tons of red oxide from the island of Hormuz at a wholesale rate of £3-5-0
per ton, of which 4,593 tons were shipped up to the close of the year.
2. Foreign interests.
I. Russian.—13,245 bags of Russian loaf sugar were imported at
Bandar Abbas for the Iranian Government during the year.
3,200 bales of cotton were exported to Russia.
II. Japanese.—2G8 bales of cotton piece-goods, and 1,000 chests of tea
were imported at Bandar Abbas during the year.
III. Italian.—Mr. T. Pastori, Italian, arrived from Muscat on the 22nd
April with the object of collecting about 10,000 Iranian labourers for road
making in Eritrea (Abyssinia). His quest was not successful.
3. Local Government.
I. Governor.—Aqai Ismail Bahadur was Governor of Bandar Abbas
throughout the year, a post ho has now held for the past six years.
II. Bank-i-Milli.—Mons. H. Frendian, Inspector of the National Bank
inspected the local branch in December.
The question of opening sub-branches in Minab, Lingah, and Charbar
was under consideration, but is still in abeyance as the reports submitted
were not favourable.
III. Justice.—This department moved to Ginu Hills for the summer
instead of closing down as hitherto.
IV. Police.—During the year the police posts at Lingah, Hcnjam, Kishm,
Jask, Charbar, and Minab, were attached to Bandar Abbas.
An Inspector of Police from Tehran visited Bandar Abbas, Charbar,
and Lingah during January.
Passport Department.—The police were in charge of this department
throughout the year.
Orders were received during May to refuse exit visas or to issue fresh
passports to Iranian subjects unless tho applicant was in possession of foreign
exchange purchased from one of tho authorised Banks. Iranian subjects
residing abroad and holding Iranian Consular passports, and foreign subjects
and foreign Consulate’s official employees were exempted from this rule.