Page 511 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
P. 511
Tho Fronch Spah-bud (Field Marshal) in the employ of the Iranian
Government arrived at Bandar Abbas on the 15th October. Ho was accom
panied by 25 Iranian officors. Tho party embarked in tho Iranian Sloop
** Babr ” for Lingali and tho intermediate islands. Tho Marshal was reported
to have evinced much intorest in the island of Honjam and declared it to bo
tho most suitable placo in tho Persian Gulf for the Iranian Naval Base.
Tho Mission loft for Sirjan and Shiraz on the 18th October.
Tho coup d'etat was coiobratod as usual by tho military on tho 22nd
February and was attended by the local officials, and merchants, accompanied
by their wives.
II. Conscription.—Tho Committee during their session of two and a
half months (5th October—21st December) dealt with 550 cases out of 1,956
called to appear.
III. Internal security.—The security on the Bandar Abbas-Kermao
motor road and on all other trade routes in the province was well maintained
throughout tho year, except for the incident on the Bandar Abbas-Lar road
in August when a caravan conveying 100 loads of monopoly loaf sugar,
and 24 chests tea and cotton pieco-goods and throe loads of cotton twists
was looted by Nafars near Agha Jamal.
With tho commencement of summer and influx of people into Minab
for the date trade, that district suffered from armed Baluchis, who looted
people in outlying villages in broad day light.
Six conscripts deserted from the Bandar Abbas garrison in June, taking
their rifles with them, were joined by other armed bandits and started to
harass people and donkey men on the outlying caravan routes, chiefly in
On 31st July they looted the bouse of the tenant of Baghu (the villago
of H. H. Agha Khan) about 10 miles to the east of Bandar Abbas.
They were finally rounded up by the joint Amnieh forces of Bandar
Abbas and Minab at a village named Raving near Minab, when two of tho
gang were killed, and one wounded before the remaining six surrendered.
5. Iranian Navy.-
The following sloops visited Bandar Abbas during the year:—
“ Babr ”, 11th January, 8th April, 16th October.
“ Plang ”, 8th April.
“ Shahrukh ”, 15th February, 1st and 14th September.
“ Karkas ”, 12th March, and 8th April.
“ Shahbaz ”, 22nd May and 12th December.
6. Communications.
I. Roads.—No new motor road from Bandar Abbas to the interior was
opened during the year. The Shiraz-Bandar Abbas road passing through Lar
referred to in last year’s report has been little used.
II. Aviation.—A German plane (Junkers) “ Kismet-D-UKOP ” made
a forced landing on the 21st March, owing to engine trouble and took off for
Damascus after an hour.
The following were on board :—
Captain—Von Blomberg.
Pilots—Sterutrurg and Salomon.
Crew—Poscuer and Ackermann.
7. Trade Developments.
I. Trade.—Trade depression continued throughout the year, The
prominent causes for this result being exorbitant import duties, Government
restrictions, and monopolies. No improvement can be foreshadowed until
there is some modification of the present policy. In some cases imported
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