Page 515 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
P. 515

                In) New village of Doha.—For some years fishermen have been spend-
            ing each winter on  Ras Ashairij in the Bay west of Kuwait, living in tempo-
            rary huts.
                Lately they have been making permanent buildings of a white sand stone
            found on the spot, and this year have made cement rain water reservoirs
            which being entirely filled, will enable them to remain throughout the year.
                There arc at present 35 permanent houses, a mosque and communal
            “ Mejlis ” or assembly room, so that the settlement may now be recorded
            as entitled to the rank of a permanent “ village ”, and noted as such on maps.
            It is rather nearer the eastern side of the headland than the west, and two
            hundred yards from it, and is known as Doha.
                (o) Quarantine.—The Agency Medical Officer continued to be the Kuwait
            Quarantine Officer. During the year the Kuwait Quarantine buildings  were
            renovated by the Ruler and arc now in good condition.

                                 V.—Condition of the country.
                Law and order have remained unchanged. Security in the hinterland
            continues to be good, but sec Iraq Para, (a) below for reports of Police raids.

                                  VI.—Foreign relations.
                                    (a) Saudi Arabia.
               During the year relations remained unaltered and the Blockade, and
            correspondence on the subject, continued.
               The Saudi Arabian Government, however, now permits and officially
            recognizes for taxation purposes the import of Saudi goods to Kuwait. It
            has also this year permitted a very large number of Nejdi tribesmen to enter
            Kuwait territory for grazing in which permission is implicit for “ Mussabila ”,
            or restocking in the Kuwait Markets.
               The Awazim tribe alone numbers over 5,000 in Kuwait territory at the
            end of the year, and there is perhaps an equal number from other Saudi
            tribes, which include some like the Subaih from far South in Nejd.
                                        (6) Iraq.

               (а)  Incursions by Police.—Incursions by the Iraqi Police were reported
            by the Ruler to have occurred on the 5th January, 6th March, 28th April
            24th June and 15th October, 1937.
                Representations were duly made through diplomatic channels.
               A ease in which there was no room for doubt about the facts was that on
            the 15th October when the Iraqi Police attacked a caravan at Idairat A1
            Khulla, thirty miles inside Kuwait territory.
                The Political Agent visited the scene the next day and a formal protest
            was addressed to the Iraqi Government in due course.
                (б)  Newspaper articles.—An attack on the Political Agent was made by
            A1 Nas newspaper of Basra in its article of the 10th September.
               There have appeared numerous other inaccurate and malicious articles
            about the British affairs generally in the Persian Gulf.

                                       (c) Palestine.
               There have been no particular incidents in connection with the Palestine
           disturbances to report; although there were half-hearted attempts to sub
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