Page 510 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
P. 510


                          In July orders wero received from Tehran to refuse visas on British-
                      passports which were valid for journeys to Muscat and other ports on the
                      Trucial coast, and to treat such passports similar to those bearing Bahrain
                      and Kuwait validity.
                          V. Cust07M.—Mohdi Nik-Klmh held joint charge of both customs and
                      finance departments until 3rd June, when he was suspended and called to
                      Tehran to answer charges of corruption and for falsely reporting to the
                      Government that approximately 70,000 tons of salt wore ready for shipment at
                      Hormuz, when actually only about 6,000 tons, including impurities  wero
                         Azizullah Mina held joint charge for the remainder of the year.
                         Government inspectors and geologists visited Bandar Abbas to inspect
                      the Customs department and the mines at Hormuz respectively on tho 26th
                      February, 7th March and 10th April.
                         In March a sum of rials 2,400 (£30) in Iranian currency no.tcs brought
                     for the purchase of dates from Bandar Abbas was confiscated from the dhow
                     of the Sheikh of Bakha (Oman) by the Customs authorities. The Sheikh
                      visited Bandar Abbas in May with tho object of getting a refund but  was
                      not successful. During his stay he was well treated by the local officials.
                         In June, the Customs authorities received instructions to forbid persons
                     boarding the steamers in harbour, except the Medical Officer, Customs officials,
                     Police, and the staff of the agents of the company. But this order is not
                     now rigorously applied to members of this Consulate proceeding on board the
                     mail steamers.
                         VI. Municipality.—The Governor of Bandar Abbas was an active Presi­
                     dent of the Municipality Council during the past year.
                         Much has been done to improve the town by opening a wide central
                     road and improving some of the side roads. Government departments  are
                     gradually being better housed. Such improvements as have been effected
                     are largely due to the energy of the present Governor with limited funds.
                         A municipal “ Asylum ” for street beggars was opened in September
                     with the help of local donations, and the absence of beggars from tho bazar
                     and elsewhere is a feature of the town.
                         Electricity.—The new plant which was ordered from Germany in January
                     arrived at the close of the year, after the Governor and the company had made
                     several representations to the Exchange Control Commission and the
                     Ministry of Interior for the provision of foreign exchange.
                         Economic.—The harvest, due to scanty rainfall was very poor, and the
                     cost of living rose accordingly. At the close of the year the prices for general,
                     foodstuff were:—
                         Wheat .                          >00 1
                         Barley .                         50 y per Kharwar of 900 lbs.
                         Firewood                         25 J
                         Meat                            10—12'
                         Rice Rcshti                     12—15
                         Rice Sadri                       6—10
                         Dates .                          2—50
                         Bread .                          4    -per maund of 9 lbs.
                         Sugar .                         12
                         Sugar loaf                      12—50
                         Ghee                            48
                         Tea                            75—50 per 6 lbs.
                        VII. Health.—The health of the town throughout the year was good.
                                             4. Military.
                        I. The strength of the Bandar Abbas garrison was reduced from a
                    “ Hang ” (regiment) to a Gurdan (three companies) in May. The
                    surplus of 330 soldiers and 22 ponies were transferred to Charbar in the
                    Mckran division on tho 22nd June.
                        The garrison is now attached to the Kerman Brigade.
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