Page 552 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
P. 552
2. On the 9th of March Lieutenant-Colonel H. J. Underwood, Military
Attach^ designate at Tehran arrived and loft for Tehran on the 14th March.
2. Iranian.
On tho 4th of April His Excellency AH Asghar Ilikmat, Iranian Minister
of Education arrived on a tour of inspection from Shiraz. He expressed
satisfaction with tho work done by the local officials of his Department.
3. Foreign.
On tho 12th March His Excellency tho Italian Minister arrived from
Khorramshahr and left for Tehran on tho 14th. Ho was tho guest of tho
Manager of tho National Bank of Iran during his stay here.
Cable and Wireless Limited.—This Company’s Branch at Bushire was
managed by Mr. G. W. Watson throughout tho year.
Cray Mackenzie and Company Limited.—This Company’s Branch was
managed by Mr. S. W. Gregor throughout the year.
The Imperial Bank of Iran.—Mr. V. II. Glcndcning was the manager of
the Bushirc Branch from 1st January to 18th September.
Mr. T. H. 0. N. Roo, from 19th September to the end of tho year.
The Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Limited.—Mr. P. Gregory was in charge
of this Company’s Branch from 1st January to 12th September and Mr. Habib
Tabib, from 13th September to the end of tho year.
Visits of Ilis Majesty's Ships.—During tho year His Majesty’s Ships
“ FOWEY ”, “ BIDEFORD ” and “ DEPTFORD ”, each visited Bushire
once. The usual salutes were fired and calls exchanged.
On the 26th of February, the Italian Warship “ ERITREA ” arrived
at Bushire and fired the usual salute of 21 guns which was returned by the
shore battery. Tho Commander of the Ship called on the Governor. Owing
to bad weather the Governor returned the call on the 28th when ho was
accorded a salute of 13 guns.
Governor.—On April 12th Aqai Ahmad Sadri, on having been recalled
to Tehran, handed over charge of the duties of his office to Aqai Anayatullah
Parwaneh, Director of Revenues, Bushire.
On April 26th Aqai Hasan Farzaneh, until lately Governor of Khorram
shahr and who had formerly held an appointment in the Iranian Ministry of
Foreign Affairs, arrived and took over the office of Governor.
The jurisdiction of the Governor of Bushire had been curtailed and for
administrative purposes Bushire has been placed under the Governor-General
of Fars. The Governor’s jurisdiction extonds from Dilum in the North to
Kangan in the South, and only as far as Borasjan in the interior.
Assistant Governor.—Aqai Taqi Midhat from 1st January to 21st March.
Aqai Muhammad Karim Nawab from 22nd March to the end of tho year.
Monopolisation of Wheat Supplies.—Tho Revenue Authorities purchased
the year’s harvest at Rials 1-20 a Maund (about 8 lbs.). It is beUeyed that
the wheat was actually resold at nearly double the purchase price. An
endeavour was made to provido for local consumption but unfortunately tho
supplies ran short towards the end of the year and the Revenue Department
wero forced to obtain wheat from Kirmanshah. In December the local