Page 556 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
P. 556


                      Monopoly 28 per cent, during the yoar under roviow. Since March 1938 tho
                      bartor agreomont with Oorinany has been cancelled and this of courso caused
                      a very groat advanco in the pricos of Gorman goods still arriving to complete
                      orders placod boforo tho cancellation.
                          It will bo seen from the foregoing that Bushirc has just about held its own
                      during tho year. There has been some slight incroaso in exports. It is said
                      that this is bocause export via Russia has ceased. Most of the exports, such
                      as dried fruits, gum Arabic, cotton, goat-hair and herbs, havo been shipped
                      to Germany. Tho over-prosont foar in Bushirc is that its remaining trade will
                      go to Bandar Shahpur. And it seems to bo quite obvious that this is bound
                      to take place soonor or lator. At tho moment howovor, it is said locally that
                      this will not happen for the noxt two or three years owing to the lack at
                      Bandar Shahpur of jetty facilities. '.Phis seems, however, to bo very much a
                      ease of tho wish being father to tho thought.
                         In March 1938, a second largo crano was erected in tho Customs but did
                     not come into operation until Novembor when an extension to the quay  was
                     openod. Unfortunatoly however, tho new quay has proved far from satis-
                     factory, sinco the sea wall has a large number of beam-ends and store-blocks
                     protruding from it, some, it seems, deliberately as part of the design, and some
                     accidentally from faulty construction. In consequence, when tho sea is in
                     any way rough, tho lighters find thomselvos unable without damage to lie
                     close to tho wall. In fact only a short time ago a lighter smashed its side
                     against one of these stone out-crops and sank.
                         The now Governor who took office in August has to a certain extent tried
                     to improve the town. Ho has repaired the sea-front and by planting trees on
                     it is trying to make it a pleasant walk. He is also taking some interest in the
                     bazaar and is doing his best to see that tho shops are kept clean. The wireless
                     equipment and telephone exchange formerly belonging to His Majesty’s
                     Government were handed over during the year to the Iranian authorities.
                     The beacon at the aerodrome which month by month has boon reported to be
                     ready for work has, for reasons unknown, still not come into use.
                         In June an office of the Registration Department for lands and bonds was
                     opened. The complaint is general that local property, in view of tho
                     present condition of trade, has been grossly over-valued. There appears to
                     bo much substance in this complaint, but appoal by tho local landlords to
                     higher authorities has had no effect.
                        Industry.—There has been no further development of industry, either by
                     the Government or private individuals since last year. The spinning section
                     of the local mill came into operation in January this year, it produces 10-
                     counts and 20-counts yarn. A master-weaver was engaged from the United
                    Kingdom. Ho arrived in June and some cloths (unbleached shirtings and
                    coloured prints) were put on the market in September. The prices charged
                    however, were too high for local acceptance. Tho proprietor of the mill,
                    Mr. Agar, held a meeting of shareholders at Shiraz in September. A managing
                    committee of 7 merchants mostly from Bushire was appointed. The distri­
                    bution of the profits agreed upon was 5 per cent, for Mr. Agar as proprietor,
                    4 per cent, to be divided among tho members of the committee and 1 per cent,
                    for the auditor, the remainder of course to the shareholders. The company
                    now goes under tho name of “ Etimadieh Spinning and Weaving Mill Limited ”
                    (Sherkate Schami llisandcgi Va Bafandegi Etimad).
                        The question of electric light in the town joins up with that of the mill.
                    In an endeavour to improve tho supply for the town the Governor held a
                    meeting of influential merchants and other local people of standing in
                    September. He got the proprietor of the mill to agree to supply 24 hours
                    current as well as ice to the town. For this it was agreed to raise a subscrip­
                    tion of Rials 1,000,000, which was to be included in the capital of tho mill.
                    Tho proprietor further asked that foroign exchange to the tunc of £5,000
                    should be sold to him by the Government in order to buy oxtra parts for tho
                    necessary machinery. This £5,000 did not materialise and tho proprietor
                    went to Tehran to see if he could get it. He returned having been given tho
                    amount not in sterling but in marks.
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