Page 553 - PERSIAN 9 1931_1940
P. 553
authorities issued wheat at the rate of 3 kilos a person every other day. U«*
fortunately a largo numbor of pcoplo wero unablo to obtain oven this small
quantity and as a result a eonsidorablo amount of wheat was smuggled into
the town.
Smuggling of Contraband goods.—Owing to tho continued smuggling of
Japanese piocegoods the Iranian Government deputed an official from Tehran
to take over local stocks from tho Bushire Company. These stocks were
retailed at a comparatively low prico to the local inhabitants. Quantities of
pieccgoods wore also sent to towns in tho Bushire hinterland. This action
by th6 Iranian Government had the effect of stopping the smuggling ot
pieccgoods into Bushiro, but Japancso artificial silk still continued to be
brought in by smuggling.
Tho local Customs Preventive Department have succeeded in seizing
various consignments of smuggled goods and thoy have also arranged for tho
deportation of some 20 porsons who wore known to bo professional smugglers.
These persons have been sent to. towns in tho interior.
Tobacco Monojwly.—Tho Bushiro Tobacco Monopoly continued to
make a 100 per cent, profit on their purchases of local stocks.
Fishing Industry.—Dr. Ii. Blegvad, the Danish marine biologist, who has
been working for the Iranian Government has completed his enquiries and
lias submitted a scheme for the construction of two factories, one at Bushiro
and the other at Bandar Abbas. The Bushiro factory is designed to deal
with “ fillets ” and the Bandar Abbas Factory langousts, anchovis and the
sardines. Dr. Blegvad appeared to be greatly satisfied over tho rosult of his
Roads and Communications.
1. Bushire-Shirax Road.—In spite of being repaired twice during the year
this road was impassable for ovor a fortnight during tho winter.
2. Bushire-Firuzabad Road.—Work on this road has been very slow and
by the end of tho year the road was still incomplete.
Land Registration.
The Land Registration Dopartmont was opened in June. The registra
tion of proporty in Bushiro and the surrounding districts was proceeded with.
Presumably, in ordor to incroaso rovenue property has boon valued above
market value.
As it was found impracticable for one Director to administer two depart
ments tho Revenue Department has been removed from the control of tho
Director of the Southern Customs.
A now Education and Waqf Department, tho constitution of which was
commenced in 1937 is still incomplete.
BusniRE Municipality.
The Municipality have undertaken a five-year plan and propose during
that period to build and maintain a lazaretto, to construct a public park and
to improve road communications in tho town. They have raised their budgot
to Rials 30,000 a month and are maintaining a sanitary staff of 70 porsons.
A small infirmary, with accommodation for 8 inpatients under the supervision
of a local doctor, has been maintained and in addition the Municipality have
made provision for lunatics and for some twenty lepers. The Municipality’s
efforts to onsure a regular and sufficient supply of electricity and ice were
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