Page 124 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 124

110                        Records oj Bahrain

                                                        H. M. POLITICAL AGENCY,
                    CONFIDENTIAL                              BAHRAIN
                    Despatch|No. 2.
                    (1011/0/55)                           February 10, 19513.

                                 It is now two months since I took charge
                         of this Agency and I therefore feel that this is
                         a suitable moment to sutmit to Your Excellency
                          certain conclusions which I have reached on affairs

                          in Bahrain, based on what I have seen and heard
                          since my arrival. *
                          2.     In Bahrain today the outstanding question of
                          the dav is, of course, what may be called the
                          constitutional one. I will not recapitulate the
                          history of this since it has already been recorded.
                          I do however wish to discuss in general terms what

                          I conceive to be the practical aspects and implications
                          of this issue. The position at present is
                          a result of the general strike at the beginning of
                          December last the Ruler has appointed a committee
                          to enquire into those departments of government,
                          public health, education, public security and the
                          administration of /justice, which have called forth
                          most criticism from the reform party and indeed
  i                       from many of the general public in Bahrain. The
                           committee, although it has been ignored by the
  !                        reformers, has received evidence from a fairly
                           representative section of the public and has, I
                   His Excellency Mr. B.A.B. Burrows, C.M.G.,
                           Her Majesty's Political Resident
                                         in the Persian Gulf,
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