Page 121 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 121
Constitutional reforms, 1955 107
N9, 13
lBA 1016/2) OUT PILE January 25 > 1955*
In your despatch Nof 101 of tho 26th of October, 195h#
Your Excellency oonoultod mo about tho attitude to bo adopted
towards tho Kulor of Bahrain on tho pno aide, and towardo tho
loadero of agitation on tho other, ovor tho quoDtion of
constitutional and administrative reform, I havo since
rocoivod the interesting account in your doopatch No, 113 of
tho 26th of Docornber, 195U> of recent ovonto in Bahrain,
2. Tho main principloo by which you ohould bo guided woro
indicatod in n\y despatch No, 203 of tho llith of Docombor, 193b*
within that general strotogy tho tactics to bo applied must
depend upon how the oituution develops and, in particular, upon
tho dogroo to which the appointinont of tho Kulor* a Committee
roduooo tho prossuro from tho roformora.
3* It is cloar that tho Kulor should bo discouraged from
following any policy likoly to raise public fooling in Bahrain
to a dnngorouu pitch, for oxamplo by taking action against tho
Isadora of tho roforming movnmont in circumstancoo which would
incrooso thoir public following, Como inroads upon tho prosont
paternalistic, oyotom of govornmont ooom inovitublo and tho
lculor ohould not bo allowed to Jeopardise his position by taking
up too infloxiblo u posture. Whorovor possible he should bo
porr.uadod to satisfy local aspirations and givo hie
administration a more modorn look. On tho other hand, I agroe
Hlo Kxoollonoy
Mr, Bernard Burrows, C.M.O • *
otc,, etc,, oto,,