Page 117 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 117
Annual review, 1955 103
British Information Office opened in Bahrain.
Rulor's tv/o elder sons left on n visit to U.3.A.
and Britain.
JULY Tho telephone dispute was oottlod by the Ruler
agreeing to pay the difference ‘between the
new and tho old rates -the subscribers
continuing to pay the old rates.
•-? «•
Bahrain broadcasting statiop opened.
i ■1 . '
'depression by the High Executive Committee of
opposition to tho proposed, Penal Code.
AUGUST Sultan of Muscat passed through Bahrain returning
to Muscat from Britain,
Entry into force of penal code postponed by
Bahrain Government because of the possibility
of strikes and disturbances engineered by the
Iiigh Executive Committee.
SEPTEMBER Ruler entered into private discussions with
certain membors of High Executive Committee
about reforms.
New Runway (2,500 yards long) at Muhurraq, airport*
brought into use.
OCTOBER Registry of Putentsf Trade Murks and 'Designs began
Ruler agreed to establishment of three committees,
each half nominated half elected, to supervise
departments of public health and education
and to supervise the work of the vurious
municipalities in Bahrain.
NOVEMBER About 2-J- lukhs of rupocs were collected for
"Arms for Egypt" fund with the support of the
High dxecutlyo/Committee. The Ruler's family
DECEMBER Colonel Anwar Sadat Egyptiun Minister without
portfolio and Secretary of Islamic Congress
passed through Bahrain on his way from Qatar
to Kuwait.
II. M. Political Agency,
December 31, 1955. •