Page 115 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 115
Annual review, 1955 101
9. A a regards development the now- Manama power station
came into operation in July. Beepupe however'of unexpectedly
heavy demands for pov/or in Manama, mainly for nip-conditioning
the stution cunnot yot supply thu outlying vfllagoo, although
the supply linos to these have boon erected. There wna also
some trouble over the use of the Bahrain Petroleum Company’s
gas In the engines which will bo put right in time for next
yoar. Work on the lund »\nd of the deep v/ntcr pier at Jufuir
huo continued. The dredging of tho deep water phujijiel from
Sitra to where the new pier head will be in the Khor Qalala
is being successfully carried out. The relaying of the nip in
runway at Huharruq. airport has been completed. The now
runway - 2,500 yards long - came into use in September. It
is up to the heaviest weights*
10. A traffic code was Introduced in June after some early
difficulties of application.
H. M. Political Agency,
Docember 31# 1955-