Page 116 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 116

102                        Records of Bahrain

                            CHRONOLOGY. C:vl- 3UUKARY OP EVENTS IN
                                       BAHRAIN DURINO 1955

               JANUARY     Government Committee appointed to enquire into the
                                 working of vuriouo government departments.

                           Vistabliohmont of Public Relations Department by
                                 Bahrain Oovornmpnt.
                            Introduction of a contributory pension scheme for
                                 government employees.
               yuimUARY     High Exocutlvo Committee annppnced intention to
                                 establish a trades uniop pomprising all
                                 clasaes of workers and employees,     As a
                                 result of this Bahrain Government decided to
                                 draw up a labour Law \yith British advice.
                            The Committee through the Political Agent sent a
                                 memorandum to the Secretary of 3tate for
                                 Foreign Affairs on his way through Bahrain.
                                 The memorandum criticised the Bahrain Government
                                  and claimed recognition of the Committee as
                                  representing tho people of Bahrain.

                            President Boyar of Turkey visited Bahrain on his
                                  way to Pakistan,
                            Successful boycott of r.iunama municipal elections
                                  by the High Executive Committee,

                MARCH       Tho Secretary of State's reply to the High ’Executive
                                  Committee's memorandum advised co-operation
                                  with the government, refused recognition of
                                  the committee us a representative body and
                                  vanned against the uso of violence.
                APRIL       Dooputc between Arab telephone subscribers and
                                  Cable C. 'Virclcss Limited over new telephone
                                  charges. One third of the total number of
                                  subscribers asked for their connections to be
                                  cut off as they would not pay the now rates.
                             Ruler gave .0157/500 from his private purse to be
                                  ojicnt on educational and health projects and
                                   on the police.
                             iting Hussein of Jordan passed through Bahrain.

                             The High Executive Committee dropped its demand
                                   for recognition by the Bahrain Government and
                                   co-operated with the Government in tho drafting
                                   of a Labour Law.
                JAY          Colonel Nasser, Prime minister of Egypt passed through
                                   Bahrain returning to Egypt from the Bandooung

                 JJJgg        • stablinhmunt of u Labour Office, aiyi Employment
                                   ’b.chan,.e by the Bahrain Government..
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