Page 122 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 122

108                        Records of Bahrain

                that it would be imprudont to thrunt advice upon him to the

                oxtont of undormining hia confidence in uo or of causing him to
                abdicate,     Botwoon thooo limito tho timing and amount of
                proBQuro to bo oxortod will bo largoly a matter for Your
                lixcollonoy* o Judgment,
                      For tho time boing thoro ooomo littlo more that con bo

                 offorod to tho loadoro of tho movomont for reform than you havo
                 indioatod in paragraph 5 of your doapatch No, 101,       Wo ohould
                 avoid boooming ongagod in oontrovorBy with thorn about what

                 ohangoo may or muy not bo donirablo,      Thoy ohould bo told that
                 although llor r.ajooty* a (iovornmont aro conoornod with, tho good
                 govornmunt of tho Utato in u gonorul oenso, they do not rogard
                 it ao their normal function to intorvono diroctly in intornal
                 matters.    They support tho traditional authority of tho liulor

 i               in intornal administration and rocognioo tho high standard whioh
                 his (Iovornmont huo sot.     Thoy have confidonco in hiu intontion
                  to introduce any nocoosary roformo at tho right time,       Tho
 !               Kulor* o appomtmont of a comniittoo to invoatigato tho

                 administration wuu n mark of this intontion, and tho "reformists'1
                 would bo wall adviood to co-oporuto with tho committoo.
                  5.   I am glad to noto that tho Bahrain (iovornmont ooom now to
                  havo rocog’niuod tho nood for improving thoir public relations.

                  Tho lack of any propor offort on thoir part to carry tho pooplo
                  along with thorn or to oxpluin thoir polioioo andaohiovomonto
                  has boon a dangorous factor in tho situation,       I welcome for

                  this roaaon tho projoct for o Persian (lulf nowopapor and tho
                  proposal to opon a govornmont radio station,
                  6.    T noto from tho dooonption of ovonto in your doopatoh
                  No. 113 that tho couroo which you and Bor Majesty* o Political

 I                Agont in Bahrain havo in tho moantimo boon taking with tho
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