Page 217 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 217

Constitutional reforms, 1955              203

                                       i r

                  Despatch fjOf SO? (E            of tjie 14th of December,
                  J.9&4,. I think that the fime has cojno when we must make
                   it clear that we VeUpy*            Pul0r b03 £°no a long
                   way to meet the demands of the "reformists" and that it
                   is now up to them to prove themselves. When I first saw
                   him on my return, the Ruler made a point of complaining

                   of our  contacts with the opposition. While I do not
                   consider this necessarily a had thing because it is not

                   in our longer term interests hero j that we should become
                   completely identified with a ruling clique, I think that
                                                 « i
                   it is now in our own best interestf as well as those of
                                         % .«• !
                   the Ruler and his popple, that we; should emphasize the
                   advantages of at least a long papse to see how this firut
                   limited experiment in representative institutions works
                   before considering further steps towards popular
                   government,                       i
                        5%   I am sending copies of ithis despatch to
                   Her M^jestyis Ambassadors at Cairo* Beirut and Jedda,
                   and to the Political Office, Middle ^ast Force.

                                            I have the honour to be,
                                            with the highest respect,
                                              Your obedient Servant,

                                                  (B. A. B. Burrows)
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