Page 212 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 212
198 Records of Bahrain
Despatch No. 129 BAHRAIN. 1 '
(1011/1/127/55) _November 28, ^55,0
I have Uiq honour to transmit herewith a copy of a
Dospatch'hy [lor Majesty's Political Agent at Bahrain in
.Which Mr, Gault reviews recent developments in the
internal situation,
2. The Ruler's policy towards the "reformists"
has undergone a notable change in recent months; it is
not only new that he should be able to reach some
understanding with them, but new also that he should talk
to them at all. It is less clear what has prompted .this
change, His Highness was for some time angling for a
manifestation of support from us for a repressive, policy
in regard to this internal situation. Ho talked fpr
instance of banishing the members of the High Executive
Committee. Our obvious lack of enthusiasm for such
courses, coupled with our repeated advice to him to
continue w^th his administrative reforms and to improve
his public relations, may at last have led him to
realise that he could not rely on us to extricate him
from all his troubles and that he must begin to fend fpr
The Right Honourable
M.P •,
Harold Macmillan . PfO ♦»
Her Majesty's Principal Secretary
of State for Foreign Affairs,
Foreign Office,
London S.W, 1.