Page 210 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 210
196 Records of Bahrain
Bahrain telegram Na, 760 to Foreign Office
days and they state that if he agrees to see the* they will call
off tho woe ting and strikes, Tho Ruler beliovcs - I do not
know on what evidence - that they intend asking him to sanction
and contribute collection money in support of Egyptian purchases
of Russian arms, One loading member of the Committee, Shemlan,
wr3 recently in Egypt on his way back from the United Kingdom and
there haye been other signs in his uttoranoea recently of
Egyptian influence tending to give the movement anti Western tone,
3, I shall be glad to know urgently whether there is
evidence of Egyptian efforts in other countries to organize
collections of this kind and what has been the result? If the
Ruler's guess is correct, it would look as though this switch in
policy was diatated direct from Egypt, It has for some time seemed
peculiar that the present r6gime there should support the
movement here whose chief plank is the demand for Parliamentary
institution and this might bo attempt to divert it into more
specific anti British channels.
Foreign Office pass Cairo and Saving to Jedda, POMEF,
Bagdad, Beirut, Damascus and Amman as ny telegrams Nos, 42,21,
49,6,32,3 and 2 respectively,
[Repeated to Cairo and Saving to Jedda, POMEF, Bagdad,
Beirut, Damascus and Amman]
Eastern Department