Page 215 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 215

Constitutional reforms, 1955               201

                                         :r 4 "
                  (V budgQtfxpy n«turo(l®^
                                              nittees will apparently bo
                  free to ic|o as tpey wish \vithin tho limits of 'the funds
                          1 «
                  pllotted to tiiem, It is not a far stop from trhis to a
                  complaint by tbe committees that those limits are too
                  narrow, and it will not bo long before tho Ruler's share
                  of the oil royalties is called in quostion. A clash on
                  such a fundamental point as this must load on tho ono side
                  to a "last-ditch" attitude on the part of tho ruling

                  family and on tho other to a revival of tho demand for-a
                  legislative Council. The long term prospect is further
                  darkened by evidence that in hisi latest moves the Ruler
                  has outpaced the Advisor (a fact'of which we should
                  normally be slow to complain) and troddon on the toes of
                  hi3 British Judicial Adviser by announcing his intontion
                  of bringing to Bahrain a Muslim jurist not only to frame
                  a criminal code, but also to draft a civil law and to
                  undertake the reorganisation of the Courts. Tho existing
                  Judicial Adviser had been under the impression that he had
                  .peon brought here to fulfil precisely this role. It is
                  clear, moreover, that the committees will not enjoy the

                  support of the. merchant class, whose general attitude is                    i
                  that the reformists have now been given onough rope and
                  It is to be hoped that they will hang themselves,
                  ^xperionco of reformist movements elsewhere, once they
                  have tasted power, hardly suggests that this is a likely
                  outcome. At ali events, tho educated and ruling classes
                  do not stand together at this critical juncture of
                  Bahrain's constitutional development, and in view of the
                  unity hitherto displayed by the reformists this is a pity.

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