Page 379 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 379

Annual review, 1959                     365
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          exception of Qatar, also cordial, especially with Kuwult.
          Hio IlighneoH expressed satisfaction at Her Majesty1 n
          Government1o resumption of diplomatic relations with the United
          Arab Republic and expressed the hope that a resumption with
          Saudi Arabiu would not be long delayed.     The survey carried
          out by an American Company to determine the sea-bed boundary
          between Dahrain and Saudi Arabiu was completed and an agreement
          signed by the Ruler v/as awaiting the King's signature at the
          end of the year. The Ruler, on the Political Agent1s advice,
          however| rejected u request by the Saudi Arabian Government for
          their Commercial Agent in Dahrain to issue und renew passports*
          His Highness continues to be restrictive towards the tv/o
   ^f^O^obattal-lons of British troops stutionod in Bahrain, especially
          v/hen their training requirements necessitate any rather con­
          spicuous activities; and it appears that his real reason for
          this 1b his fear of provoking the Saudis,     He appearo to make
          a distinction bety/een things that go bang in the day, ouch as
          pyrotechnics and blank cartridges, which he bans, and things
          that lie discreetly dormant, to which, in the interests of the
          defenco of the independence of the Gulf Stutes, he agreed at
          the time of the visit of Shaikh Abdullah Mubarak*      l See
          paragraph 10 beloy/).
          9*     Relations with Qatar deteriorated still further as a
          result of the Ruler of Qatar's last-minute decision to ti'avel
          on an officiul visit to Irun on a B.l. ship calling at Bahrain,
          On hearing of this Shuikh Sulman forbade the ship to call if
          Shaikh All v/as on board, and when Gray Mackenzie's instructed
          the ship to proceed to Bahrain before Umm Said, Shuikh 7*11
          responded by banning it indefinitely from Qatari ports, und
          then had to proceed to Iran by road.
          10.    The Deputy Ruler of Kuwait visited Bahrain in May and was
           entertained by the Ruler.    Both made public statements of their
           own solidarity and also of their friendship for Britain.
          Shaikh Fohad as Salem es Sabuh, brother of the Ruler of Kuwait,
           also visited Bahrain in Juno und was lavishly entertained by
           the Ruler, but died in Saudi Arubla shortly after.
           11.   The Ruler expressed to Her Majesty's Politicul Resident
           hi8 concern at the increasing Persian penetration on the Arab
           side of the Oulf and requested Her Majesty's Government to keep
           a watchful eye on this infiltrution,    A campaign for renaming
           the Gulf the "Arabian Gulf", launched by the Bahrain Chamber
           of Coiranerce, in u circular to its members, achieved a consider­
           able measure of compliance from both local and non-Bahraini
           institutions.   On the advice of the Agency the Bahrain
           Government refrained from issuing an official notice to the
           same effect.
           12.   Mr. Humphreys, the new Judicial Adviser, has shown himself
           tactful with and helpful to the Shaikhly judges and has con­
           sequently been Invited to assist, in un advioory capacity, at
           frequent trials. He is also being useful to the Bahrain
           Government in drafting ordinances.
           13.   In education, as presaged in paragraph 13 of last year's
           suiminry, Mr. Weaver v/as seconded by the British Council and
           started teaching English some montho after Mr. Fitzsimmons had

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