Page 380 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 380

366                         Records of Bahrain
                                        CONFI IE NTIAL
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                 oponod up us British Council Representative in the Department
                 of Education, The Bahrain Government is still quite content
                 bo engage British (United Kingdom) experts, But is showing an
                 uveraion to Indians and Pakistanis, tempered By the realisation
                 that they are comparatively cheap urid good value,
                 Hu A three-man delegation, led By the Director of Education,
                 attended the anniversary coleBration of the Iraqi revolution,
                 But the repercussions in Bahrain of events in Iraq was slight,

                 15,   In December, as a result of continual pressure By the
                 Ruler, the Bahrain Petroleum Company agreed bo relinquish a
                 portion of their off-shore concession, But he continued to
                 press them to drill in the area remaining to them,      It ia
                 the Ruler's Intention to offer the relinquished area to other
                 companies for prospecting, But a preliminary requirement to
                 this is its demarcation, since, where it adjoins Qatur, he put
                 forward verBally to the Political Agent extravagant claims to
                 tho sca-Bed far exceoding the limits laid clown By Her Majesty's
                 Government in 1947.    The Company's royalty agreement wqb also
                 renewed for a further ten years.     The exploratory well drilled
                 By them at Buri, north-west of the existing field, proved dry
                 and operations wero discontinued.     A new well, Begun late in
                 tho year near JeBal Dakhan, proved disappointing, But drilling
                 it has not yet stopped.
                 16..  Notwithstanding un increase in oil produce By 1|5,000
                 Burrols daily up to tho maximum possible, the revenue from which
                 was duly anticipated, tho Bahrain Government produced a Budget
                 for 1959 showing an estimated £600,000 deficit,      Capital
                 expenditure accounted for over 50ft of expenditure, the deep­
                 water horBour, which is now known officially us Mina Sulman,
                 Being the chief strain on the state's economy. The slowness
                 of progress on it, however, prevented the Budgeted expenditure
                 from falling all in 1959.
                 17.    Criticism of this slov/ progress continued and was reported
                 to have Been tho suBject of controversy in the Administration
                 Council, But us those criticising the consultant engineers
                  (Coode & Partners) and contractors (Gammon Pakistan) could offor
                 no alternative, work continued under the same team, including
                 the widening of tho head of the jetty to 100 feet and the
                 further dredging of tho approuch channel.
                 18. Sir Eric MillBourn, C.M.G., Shipping Adviser to tho
                 Ministry of Transport, was invited By the Bahrain Government to
                 corne  out early in I960 to advise on tho organisation of the
                 harbour, and consideration of several questions, affecting
                 Bahrain's economy was postponed pending his report, notably the
                 location of the customs and provision of a free-zone for the
  1               new harbour, the further, much-needed development of Bahrain
                  as an entrepOt or trading centre, and the possible provision of
                  a new slipway and dock. The Bahrain Government came no nearer
                  to being persuaded to undertake an economic survey, in the
                 absence of which it was difficult to assess the validity of the
                  tendency tov/ards increased wages at the end of the year,
                  ovldonccd by JAPCO's fty increase of rupee salaries and an
                  increase   By the Bahrain Government to employees in tho lowor-
                  income brackets.

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