Page 385 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 385
Internal situation, 1959 371
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I eaw Sir ChnrlOB Belgravo this aftornoon
and in the courso of conversation ho mentioned
that he had heard through Abdullah Kanoo that
the Ruler of Bahrain io taking all matters of
government into his own hands ovon to tho
extent of renewing the insurance policy for tho
powor machinery. He also said that tho Committees
which had been formed to adviso the Ruler do not
function without his direction. Ho has told these
Committees to first tell him what they are thinking and
he will then decide whether they can do it.
2. Sir Charles Belgrave thought this was a
retrograde step and that the Ruler might well
overstrain himself if he endeavoured to undertake
all Government business.
(C. II. Haines)
January 7. 1959.
Mr. Adams
Arabian Department.