Page 390 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 390

376                        Records of Bahrain


                       over the Ruler in ouch internal matters and he said firmly
                       "llo" - the only way the British Government could exert influence
                       wan to make it clear to the Kulcr that they would not protect
                       him if ho were involved in internal troubles.
                             13. That is about all ho had to say hut we arranged to
                       keep in touch with each other and lie promised to let me know
                       how his ideas developed. He has not yet definitely decided to
                       go on leave but I think ho will probably be off by the end of
                        l.liis month or early August provided of course that the Ruler's
                       health suffers no major setback, thereby spurring Khalifah and
                       his friends to early action to secure his overthrow.
                             6. It seems to be no secret now that Khalifah and DaiJ
                        are planning to take over the govorniiK.nt of the country sooner
                        or later: even the American Conoul in Dhahran has heard about
                        it. Moreover, the other evening when my wife and I dined with
                       Khalifah (I hasten to add that there were other guests present
                        including Shaikh DniJ and thonothcr side", namely Shaikh Isa
                        and his brother Muhammad), Hussain Yateem, the prominent
                        merchant who is a supporter of Khalifah, turned to my wife as
                        Khali full was showing me his collection of guns and rifles
                        and said "That's what he is going to blow the Ruler up with"!

                                                               7            ..C-c* <• l  ;

                                                                        «r\* • c  O-x (*.

                                                            (1.1. C. G. linn)

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