Page 395 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 395

Annual review, 1960                     381

              The lull in the international affairs of Uiia part oi’ Llio
         world continued; so Bahrein passed an uneventful mu prosperous
         year, even if the edge of an economic overe.-ot was Uioccmihlo

          on the horizon.
              The Ruler, Shaikh Salman bin llnm-d A1 ithullfuh, passed the

         whole year on the iolund; his health remained good and hio grip
          on the government, for good or ill, became stronger. Shaikh lea
         bin Salman the heir apparent, injured hie opine in a cur accident
          early in the year;   after e for months' treatment, first in the
          oil company hospital and then in Lnglnd, lie recovered coupletely.
          2.   The Chief of Police, Shaikh Khclifah bin ^ahommed's health
          gave further grounds for anxiety during 196O;   after tro attacks
          of cardiac asthma he spent most of the summer in England,   On hi »
          return to Bahrain, however, he seemed to have benefited greatly,
          though recovery would bo loo strong n word to use. After his
          return he took the opportunity of expressing to the Political
          Resident, in identical to the one used by the President of
          the Courts, Shaikh Daij bin Bemad, similar views on the eventual
          succession to those which those two expressed last year. loitj*)/1 *)•
          3.   As though aware of the throat to his sons' future position of
          tiu. ivhalifa-Daij alliance, the Ruler tool; uteis to give thorn
          experience and a bigger say in the govcrn.-ient ox the island, despite
          their youth and neglected education. IK; promoted his second son
          Shaikh Kii.tlii'uh to tlio position of Houd of finance, and >ut his
          W’iicl -on, °haiJf.' Mohav.iod into the former's place as President of
          the Education Council. Shai h l.iohamod bin Salman's roul ambition,

          however, appears to clash with one which Shaikh Daij, according to
          cone, secretly harbours; it is to be Head of Police.
          4.   Only in one direction did His Highness take a stop towards
          loosening the family ..ono-oly, and that was in the Lav/ Courts and
          at the behest of Her Kajesty'o Government, who dangled before him
           tlio carrot *»f the transfer of jurisdiction. In his heart the Ruler
          would orobablv not wish Cor this transfer, if it were not for the
                                 CONFIDENTIAL          /Kuwaiti
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