Page 398 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 398

384                        Records of Bahrain

                     The sou-bod bjundary with Qatar has to be act tied l>.vforo the
                     area relinquished by DAPCO in December 195v cun bo profitably
                     offered, and Ilia Highness cliooaes to link thin boundary with
                     bio claims to Zubarnh;   the question of bother uuciont righto
                     to poeiling oystor-bedo confers Modern righto to aubMarinc
                     oil-fields wao also raised at the ua..o interview.  The Political
                     Resident jointed out that the law a distinction between

                     oyotoru and oil, but lie promised to see whether anything could
                     be done to obtain the recognition by Qatar o' the Al K! toll fob
                     family's ;oropcrty rights at Zubarah; in saying this he made it
                     clear that these rights excluded sovereignty. Although
                     Ilia Highness seemed to accept this at the tine, in subsequent
                      talkS| with the Residency, he reasserted claiii. of sovereignty
                     over Zubarah. The abdication of his old emery, '-hnik.h Ali of
                     Qatar, in October provided an opportunity, which Gheikh ohl.un
                     unfortunately did not take; if lie hod done no Move than send a
                     prompt and friendly telegram of congratulations to Shaikh
                      Ahmad al Thnni, it night have cleared the air r.:-u.. enabled first
                      steps to a settlement of the dispute to be tiken. If no
                      settlement on Zubarah i* reached, it is unlikely that *hc oea-boC

                      boundary with Qatar cun bo agreed on.
 :                    10.   Relations with other Gulf States remained cordial.  The
                      Saudi Arabian boundary agreement (removing from Bahrain's control
                      ••he exploitation of the only certainly rich oil field in her
                     waters) was finally concluded in April, and various members of
                      the Al Khalifah made the.* r usual hunting visits to Oaisu. ah.
                      In September the Ruler of Kuwait and his suite laid an oxTicinl
                      visit to Bahrain, ostensibly to rejoice with 3k.?ikh Salman on bo'vh
                     hin and his non Isa's recovery.   The oil companies'roduotion in
                      the price of crude oil, announced few weeks before it, was
                      thought to be an equally cogent reason for the visit.

                      11.   This reduction v;ar. not the only fly in the ointment of
                     j.'APCO'u relations with the Bahrain Government.  Burlier in the
                     year the Ruler hud after great pressure, and ignoring tho Company,
                     warnings about the coot, Induced tho company to drill •:« toot-well
                     on Paslit-ul--Jarin, u shoal north of Bahrain.  At the end of June,
                                                                / the Ruler ................
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