Page 396 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 396

382                        Records of Bahrain


                      Kuwuiti precedent; keeping iv»;> with the S:bi..hs in the spur. The
                      appointmont or Sayicl Wasf j. Ninr to a piece, nominally advisory,
                      on the bench of the D'irot Criminal Court, wan significant as he
                      \.v.n the first non-Khalifa Arab and. the flint trained Arab lawyer
                       to attain such a position in Bahrain; thin a ointment will,
                      Iliu Highness hopes, persuade Ills Dxocllo.icy to reco ••aond t««
                      Her Majesty's Government that conditions fo: .. trar.^.'or of
                       jurisdiction similar to th. t in . rogrens at now exist,
                      but David Humphreys, the Judicial Advisor, who :'ov the first half
                       of the y..;r, held the position now t.vion by dayid hii-.r, hen
                      been promoted to a similar seat on the Court of A peal he
                       is the firot person to sit with legal trvining. He has also
                       boon busy with legal drafting, and in on excellent terms with

                       Shaikh Daij who lias helped him to obtain .vegulr.i audiences with
                       the Ruler, after the Political Agent had stressed to l*is High.— **'
                       the important role that Mr, Humphreys would hove to play in
                       preparing the Courts for a os:ible transfer of jurisdiction.
                       111 . O.W'.K. Smith's efforts to humiliate and mini ise
                       Mr. Humphreys have thus been checked.
                       5.   Three British officials however left th... Government service
                       during the year: Mr. I.oes, the Director of public ‘.Voiles, Mr. Rai£
                       the Director o.( Customs, and. Mr. hilli:>s, the Administration
                       and "Personnel Officer of the Bahrain Government. With a bettor
                       Secretary than Mr. Smith the first t.o ..iglit well stayed on;
                       their departure is a groat loss to the Government end they have
                       not yet been adcoiu;fcelv i r-Anced. Mr. Phillips, ho- ever, weens
                       intent on suing for malicious libel the British manager of the

                       S tato JSlcctricity .bcpj-.rtuont.
                       o.   While such bickering and recrimination is rife among the
                       expatriates of the Government administration, the tentacles of             t
                       intrigue and corruption extend among the Arab officials, key
                       figures being Sayid Zecra of the Secretariat, who rules much of
                       Bahrain by means of informal tele call.., and Say id Mohammed
                            v/ho hs*3 succeeded Mr. Reid, in day to d^y charge of Custoir”
                       tlic letter has a criminal record, Moving been imprisoned in the
                                           CONFIDENTIAL            /Lebanon ....................  ■
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