Page 397 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 397

Annual review, 1960                    383

         Lebanon for smuggling dope while wn un official mission.
         Tlio Executive Score tury of th*.« Chamber of Commerce, un Iraqi
         oxilo called Izz-ud-din AJ. Rui:., seems sometimes to be in league
          /1th the two, ana somewhexe behind all lurk a the Eminence Grlso
         of the Kunoo family*

         7.   The shortcomings o un administration, however, urc x*aroly
         publicised us grievance a in the Arab •.oriel. Such agitation ao
          there is ixi Bahrain therefore points its finger at the Ruling
          :, «r.iily, at British Imperialism, and •J.U-’GO1 a imagined iniquities,
         an usual* /it the beginning of the yoer subversive uain.ihlota *  •• i
         wr.ll slogans from two or three different cl under, tine groups were
          still appearing. One of thcoc groups, Communists with a Persian

         background, wau broken up by the police in Miy; tlie.- deported
          some of the culprits, un<l own L.need the- tv.'o chief offondere tc
          u. term of jail,   The Nasoorite 'pa'•hlet-.i, after a summer
          intermission, began again with the return of the ISgy.ytian
          schoolmastors from their holidays.  It was hard to gauge the
          extent of discontent, or belief in all those grievances, in the
          '.Vbucncc of any loader on tlie island.
          d.   Pamphlets appear i»ig in March demanded the release of the
          three Bahraini prisoncro of St. Helena.  There wove hoi.ever no
          Vs-.pcrcussions, an..- little interest shorn locally when II   Privy
          Council rejected the up peal of Abdul Rahman ai B. kir against th'
          rejection of his writ for lube,as corpus,   This is riot to say
          however that the curly release, or alternatively, the transfer of
          the thicc to a Bahruini prison, might not revive thoii’ trouble-
          making capaci ties. Those arc the ul terriv.tivcs in fact which
          Her Kujcoty'o Political Resident was instructed to lay before
          Iiin Highness when ho revealed to the Ruler on December 113
          Her Majesty's Government'a intention not to prolong their custody
          on British soil, much more. Despite recommendations to commute
           their contonce His Highness has asked for the prisoners to be

          rctuThad to his country.
          v.   About midoummor the Ruler revived his old Zuburc grievance,
          und puid u special call on the Political Resident for this purpose.
                               CONFIDENTIAL           /The sea-bed ..............
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