Page 381 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 381

Annual review, 1959                     367
                                      - 5 -

           19.   Tho Ruler huo Informed the Political Agent of the
           Government's nood for more revenue, duo to expenditure
           increasing more rapidly than oil production, und has pro-
           poood the taxation of banko and perhaps foreign eompanieo
           generally.   Discussloriu on this head continue.
           20.   The former Indian currency and bank-notes circulating
           in the Gulf v/ere changed for a new icouo in May und June,
           with Dahrain aa the centre of the operation*
           21.   A new women's hospital (214 beds) was opened in April
           und in Novomber the Ruler made his firot public appearance
           after his illness to lay the foundation stone of the new
           airport terminal building, the contract for the construction
           of which, at a cost of over £250,000, had been awarded to the
           Gulf Construction Company Limited.    The new power-otation,
           also inaugurated in April, proved such u success that the
           Bahrain Government was able to reduce its charges for
           electricity, the network of which now reaches almost every
           village in the island.

                                                ('{■( .» t .( - t A.
                                               (E.P. Wiltshire)
                                            H.M. Political Agent

           The Agency
           December 31# 1959*



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