Page 56 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 56

Records of Bahrain

                   Bahrain tolewram No. A32 to Foreign Off loo
                                     - 2 -
                       1,   A freely elected "advisory oowwil" with tqual
                   representation for Bnnnis and Shis to examine all publiQ
                   affairs and draft xmles and recommendations for submission
                   to the Ruler for hia approval or reasonoa yeto,
                        2,   Formulation pf a legal committee to draft a code of
                   laws, The code to ha approved by advisory council,

                        3,   Reforms of oourta appointment of judges with law
                   dogreos, foreigner if nooossary,

                             Bleated Oounaila for municipalities, Public Health
                   and Education,
                        5,   Reform of POliqe and aooeptanoe of the prinaiplf
                    that the head of the Poliae iB responsible for consequcnoes
                    of any broaah of poaoe,
                        6,   Compensation for viatima of inaidents since the last
                    10th Muharram and a general amnesty,
                         7,   punishment of thoso responsible for Polioe firing
                    on the crowds on July lt

                    U.   P.A, is eeslng .the Ruler again tomorrow and those
                    demands will no douht he diaouBsad, Our object will be*
                         (i) to persuade the Ruler to ahoept those reforms in
                              the Courts and Poliae whioh we have already advised,
                              but not to aooept advisory council or elnotions
                              (exoopt to municipalities) since these will only
                              [grp undoe] extremo demands for Democratic fonaof
                              Government whioh would not be at all suitablo horoj
                        (il) To gain a breathing spaoe in which these measures
                              can be put to effoot, and in particular the polioe
                              oan bo ro-organi*ed and strengthened so that
                              undesirable demands aan be effectively resisted in
                              the future,   Compensation of some kind can no doubt
                              be arranged.  Request for amnesty oan bp dealt with
                              by reference to Appeal Court on whioh a British
                              judge will sit as Adviser,

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