Page 57 - Records of Bahrain (7) (i)_Neat
P. 57
Disturbances and strikes, 1953-1954 43
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pahraln telegram No, K?2 to Foreign Office
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(7) above i« a matter for the Committee of Enquiry already
sot up, Tho reforms which we have for none time past boon
roQQmmonding to the Ruler would, If publish** at the proper
time, together rrith mention of the oompennation# appeal to the
Tribunal an* the enquiry, satisfy the more intelligent of
both soots,
5, Older leaders of the Shiah Community are now again
associated with the movement, but are not likely to keep
oontrol if they fail to nhow immediate results, The [grp
undfo] on the Shiah side is bettor organised than anything
they have dpne previously and one at least of the "extremist"
Committee is a man whom A1 JChalifah considers to have played
a part in the deposition of Sheikh Esa, They say they
intend to remain on strike until their demands are met,
I feel however, that it is necessary for the Ruler’s prestige
that he should make no announcement (even If he will agree to
a Batisfaotory one) until the present strike la onde*,
• '
6, The situation is quiet though the strike continues,