Page 144 - DILMUN NO 19
P. 144
ﻟﻨﺎ ﺍﺏ
ﺍﻟﻮﺛﻴﻘﺔ ﺍﻟﺘﺎﺭﻳﺨﻴﺔ ﻭﺍﻟﺮﺩ ﻋﻠﻰ ﺍﻻﺳﺘﻨﺘﺎﺟﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﺸﺨﺼﻴﺔ
١١l ١١
١F oF ٤٨٢٨٠ﺎﻧﺎﻧ :03
JRayborrnidge is a small village, at the bacl; of ahrein, on th١e ١ain,
in lat, 20 7' 20" ٠, long. 1 6' 20" E. et٢٥en thiis and ahrein ١he
water is ٩hdal, ١d f٥١l o ﺃpatcles, 'I'owards alrein the e٥fs ٥٢te١d
٨ considernble way o? ١h١e islnd, ١d ٢e١der it qwic ١safe for ١١aviga٠
tion. I١ h١as about one hundred and iffy inlabitants, Utoobees of tl١e
alrein Tibe.
oo٨r ٨١٠ U٣٦٨٢.
ooat al UfHan is an inlet rning in on the weste٣٨ side of these
ielands, ٧ith shoal vater over rocly ground, 'Ihe bottom of it is in
1a١. 2٦ 3'1 , long. 1e 1' 0٢ E.
W٨٨٥E٧'s Is٨s.
Wa٣den's Islande i ﻭa group of eight or nine islands and roekﻭ,
etcnding from lat, 2٠٣16' 2٠ ١ .gno0"٠, ' E, ١o ١at. 2" 33' .,
long. 0» 3' 20٧ E. Th٨e principal is called 1 Howahsk, and is about
four miles long. It has t١٧o fishing villages on it, and belongs to
٠s, s٢٦٥.
as evid is in lat, 2" 36' 1" ٠, long. 0٦ 3 30٣ E., and forn٩
the eastern point of ooat Eselva. I٤ is moderatcly high and broken
oo٨ EsEt.٧٨.
T١١ bottom ٥f ooat Eselva, or the southern part of the bight, is in
lat, 2 9' " ,, long. 0" 420 20٧ E. 'Ihe bigﺍt or inlet called ooat
Eselva is formed by '2wcnonee and Ias evid; and run٥ in aobut
twenty-seven miles ncarly due southward, and has dcep wate٢ in it.
G sut Mo٧٨t٠
Gebil ovah is ٤ moderatcly higl١ hill, in Iat. 2٦ 1٥٠ , long.
0٦ 34' 1٠ E.
Fonr ٨ Is ﺍo 'ﺎﻧcwowEE.
Te for٤ is in lat. 2٩ 33 " ., long. 0" 24١ 4٥" E. 'Te island iﻭ
abont four niles long, and nea٣iy ١wo broad in some parts. The fort is
on its western side, near the ccne, ''ﺃhe inhabitants are about four
hndred, of the lassar Tibe, and acknowledge the nominal authority
of the hailh of ahrein. early opposiie ١o this, distant about tvelve
miles, is the southern point of alrein, calle! as-ool-har, or oint of
the on, in lat. 2٢ 4٥' 20٣ ٠, long. 0٦ 339'0 ﺍE.
GEt٠١٧ pGcEE.
1'is is a small fort, sitaated in a bay ٧ith t١٢o and three futloms in
it. 1٤ is in iat. 29" 39' " ,, long. 0" 1' E,, and was during it
rosperity considered the port of erial, tle Wahabee capital, bu١ is