Page 31 - Gulf Precis(VIII)_Neat
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                                   CHAPTER VI.
          Ports of Arabia to which the Government of India notification dated
                               9th January 1839 to apply.
          Vessels of every description belonging to these ports to be provided
               with Register or Passes countersigned by British officers.

             1. On the 9th January 1839, the following notification was published by the
          Government of India:—
             “ No. 88, Separate Department, Fort William, the 9th January 1839.
             "Under the authority conveyed to the Governor General of India in Council
         " by Act No. XIV of 1837, it is hereby directed, that goods imported into the
         "several Ports of the Presidency of Bombay, in the vessels of any of the
         " States and Territories herein undermentioned, in which British Vessels are
         "received and treated on terms as favorable as Native Vessels, and likewise
         "goods exported from the Ports of Bombay in the Vessels of such States and
         " territories, shall be treated and dealt with in all respects as goods imported and
          "exported in British bottoms.
             " 1. The Ports of Arabia and of the Persian Gulf.
             " a. Ports in the Red sea belonging to the Ruler of Egypt, and
             " 3. The dominions of the King of Ava.
                                 " By order of the Hon'ble the President in Councilr
                                           (Sd.) H. T. PRINSEP,
                                                    Secy, to the Govt, of India."
             This notification was re-published by the Bombay Government on the * 1st
         February 1839, and on the aSth March 1846 it was also made applicable to the
          Government of Madras.
             In a letter dated the 28th August 1846 Captain Hamerton, Her Majesty's
         Consul at Zanzibar and the Hon’ble Company's Agent in the Dominions of the
         Imam of Muscat, reported that in order to prevent Boats trading with Ports in
         India, and other places, from unauthorisedly using His Highness' Flag, His
         Highness had determined that henceforth, Vessels of every description, belonging
         either to himself, or to his subjects, and sailing under his flag, should be pro­
         vided with a Register or Pass signed by Captain Hamerton.
             In a letter dated 8th January 1847 from the Government of Madras, the
         Bombay Government were requested to inform that Government in what mode
         the notification alluded to in paragraph 1 was understood and acted upon under
                          . o            the Bombay Presidency. This reference
                                         was made m consequence of Mr. Blane,
         the Colloctor of ICanara, having with reference to the recent resolution of His
         Highness the Imam of Maskat, requiring all vessels sailing under his flag to
         carry a pass signed by Captain Hamerton, expressed a doubt whether it was
         not intended that the provisions of the notification issued' by the Government of
         India in January 1S39, should apply only to Vessels belonging to Ports within
         the Dominions of His Highness. The Revenue Board at Madras however
         intimated to that Government that they considered the above notification admitted
         " to the privilege of British Bottoms, the Vessels of all the Ports of Arabia and
         " of the Persian Gulf."
             A reference having on the 13th February 1847, been made to Mr. Spooner,
         then Acting Collector of Customs, he stated that under the provisions of the
         notification alluded to, "allgoods imported in Vessels from the Ports of Arabia
         "and Persian Gulf were treated and dealt with in all respects as goods imported
         "in British Bottoms" until the receipt of Captain Hamerton’s letter above
         mentioned, " since which time an examination of the passes and certificates
          " brought by the Vessels arriving from the said Ports has taken place, and only
          " those Vessels producing registers according to the form (resolved upon by tho
          " Imam) have been treated as British Bottoms."
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