Page 141 - Records of Bahrain (3) (i)_Neat
P. 141
British interests and influence, 1898-1904 131
No. 70, (luted Bualuro, tho 291U May 1899 (Coufidontial).
l?r0m__Lirutbnant-Colonel M. J. Mbade, Political Rcaidont in tho Persian Gulf,
To—Tho Sccrotary to tho Govornmont of India, Foreign Dopartmoufc.
I havo tho honour to forward, for tho information of tho Govornmont of
Two lott.r. from tho su.ikh of Uniiroini dated translations o£ papors noted on
2lit Novembor 1898 mid lOlh May 1899, and ouo tllO margin, Oil tllO Subject 01 COmpIamt3
cncloturo. mado by tho Sheikh and tho residents of
Bahrein against tho Rovd. Mr. Zwemor of tho American Mission.
2. On receipt of tho first complaint, I wrote to Mr. Zwemor, but his
explanation was not altogether satisfactory, aud when I visited Bahrein in
March last, tho Sheikh produced a couple of letters from tho leading inhabit-1
ante, complaining that Mr. Zwomor’s scripturo readors had been ridiculing and I
abusing Muhammad. I told tho Sheikh• that Mr.• Zwemor belonged to tho* . .
American,' and not to tho British nation, and that I could not tliereforo_ issuo J
ordors to him; but that I would advise him, as a friend, not to offend tHo
religious feelings of Muhammadans, or allow his people to say or do anything "6 us
that might appear an attempt to contrast1 Christ with Muhammad, to tho
prejudice of tho latter. I said that from what Mr. Zwomcr had told me, ho
was woll versed in tho Koran, and had . a great veneration for Muham
mad. Such being’ the case, I added that it bohovod tho Shoikh to seo that
Mr Zwomer was in no way molosted. The Shoikh promised faithfully to do
what ho could to protect Mr. Zwomcr, and I then told Mr. Zwomor what I
had said to tho Shoikh, and advised him, as a friond, to bo very careful in
what ho said and allowed his men to say. I pointod out that it was not
nccossary to say anything against tho founder of Islam, and that if ho Or his I
pooplo did so, they ran tho risk of raining a strong fooling against tho mission.
Mr. Zwomor expressed himself vory grateful for my advico, aud declared that
he himself had novor abused the Prophet, but that possibly some of his scripturo
readors, who had como recently from Basrah, might have done so, aud that he
would warn thorn to refrain from doing anything likely to cause offonco.
3. After what I bad done as roported above,. I hoped that matters
would now go on smoothly; but as I have.received fresh complaints against
Mr. Zwemcr, I have considered it necessary to bring tho mattor to the notice
of Govornmont. Although Mr. Zwerner is not a British subject, our position
at Bahrein compels us, I think, to watch over him, and it will probably bo
safer, if his own Government is referred to, aud ho is advised to leave Bahrein,
whore tho zeal of his followers may involve them all in serious trouble.
Translation of a lottcr from tho Chief of Bahrein, to Addul Raiiman-bin-Ali Taxi, Bahrein,
dated tho 6th Rajab 1310 (21st Novoinbcr 1898).
After compliments.-— As you are Agha Muhammad Rahim’s agent, I sout
my man Sherida-bin-Ali to you in regard to (Mr.) Zwemor, who is speaking
against tho Muhammadan religion and our Prophet Muhammad, and causing
uneasiness among tho inhabitants, and asked you to induce him to desist from
his aforesaid aotion.
Firstly, I do not wish that ho or anybody else'should run down tho
(Muhammadan) roligion; and, secondly, I am afraid that his action might
enrage a Muhammadan who might ill-treat him. Should such a thing happen
complications will arise. It is possible ho will not liston to you,' and will aot
as before. I therefore again ask you to speak to him that it'is not to his
M"1”- 3?ol'morly 1,0 did not do